Konferenz: Swiss-Russian Seminar on Moduli Spaces and Physics

Effective action for the Poisson sigma model on the disk, equivariant configuration spaces and cyclic chains

{{_Ltalk:R}} Prof. Dr. Alberto Cattaneo
Datum: 06.12.07   Zeit: 10.30 - 11.30   Raum: Y27H36

Abstract: It is well known in algebraic topology that structures may be induced on subcomplexes (e.g. on an embedding of the cohomology) like, e.g., induced differentials in spectral sequences or Massey products. It is also well known in physics that low-energy effective field theories may be induced by integrating out high-energy degrees of freedoms. As observed by Losev (and further developed by Mnev and Costello), the two things are actually related in terms of the BV approach to (topological) field theories. I will discuss a special case (the Poisson sigma model on the disk) which produces L-infty morphisms of modules (cyclic chains and differential forms) and, as an application, it associates a star product with trace to every unimodular Poisson structure.