Konferenz: Symposium about Pure Mathematics
Overconvergent Langlands Functoriality For The Tensor Product U(2)xU(3) on the Definite Unitary Group
{{_Ltalk:R}} Paul-James White
Datum: 07.12.09 Zeit: 18.15 - 19.15 Raum: Y27H35/36
Abstract: We extend the work of Clozel-Harris-Labesse to obtain additional cases of endoscopic transfer on the definite unitary group. These allow us to in a sense lift some of the results of Ramakrishnan and Kim-Shahidi on the automorphic tensor product on GL(2)xGL(2) and GL(2)xGL(3) to the definite unitary group. We then apply the work of Chenevier to obtain rigid analytic morphisms between eigenvarieties associated to the corresponding cases of overconvergent Langlands Functoriality.