Mathematik-Tag Universität Zürich


Organisiert von:  Institut für Mathematik

Friday, 30.03.07
Zeit Referent VortragstitelRaum
13:30-14:10Elisa Gorla
(Université de Neuchâtel)
Elliptic Curves, Pairings, and the Discrete Logarithm ProblemY36M94
14:10-14:50Janko Latschev
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Foundations and Applications of Relative Symplectic Field TheoryY36M94
14:50-15:10Coffee BreakY36M94
15:10-15:50Marco Zambon
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Reduction of Branes in Generalized Complex GeometryY36M94
15:50-16:30Cristiana Bertolin
Multilinear Morphisms between 1-MotivesY36M94