Matthew Benigni, Department of Mathematical Sciences, United States Military Academy
18.12.09 - 23.12.09
Furrer, Reinhard
Dr. Andreas Henrici,
17.12.09 - 31.01.10
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pöschel, Universtität Stuttgart
17.12.09 - 21.12.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Christoph Walker, Leibniz Universität Hannover (Hannover)
Talk: Nonlinear Age-Structured Population Models with Diffusion
17.12.09 - 17.12.09
Chipot, Michel
Galina Perleman, Ecole Polytechnique
14.12.09 - 16.12.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Dr. Daniel Peterseim, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berlin)
Talk: Finite Element Analysis of Randomly Dispersed Composite Materials
14.12.09 - 20.12.09
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Angelo Vistoli, Scuola Normale Superiore
Talk: The essential dimension of a curve
13.12.09 - 16.12.09
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Giansiracusa, University of Swansea
09.12.09 - 12.12.09
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Stanislav Antontsev, University of Lisbon (Lisbon)
Talk: Blow-up of solutions to parabolic equations with nonstandard growth conditions
08.12.09 - 11.12.09
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Christian Blanchet, Université Paris 7 (France)
Talk: On foam TQFTs
07.12.09 - 12.12.09
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Andrei Teleman, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille)
Talk: Real Seiberg-Witten theory
07.12.09 - 09.12.09
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. Joan-Josep Climent, University of Alicante (Spain)
04.12.09 - 07.12.09
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Louis H. Y. Chen, National University of Singapore
Talk: From Stein identities to moderate deviations
03.12.09 - 06.12.09
Barbour, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Svante Janson, Uppsala Universitet
Talk: Susceptibility for random graphs
03.12.09 - 06.12.09
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Gesine Reinert, University of Oxford
Talk: Gaussian approximations using Stein's method
03.12.09 - 06.12.09
Barbour, Andrew
Dr. Adrian Röllin, National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Talk: New rates for exponential approximation and the theorems of Rényi and Yaglom
02.12.09 - 08.12.09
Barbour, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Simon Tavaré, University of Cambridge, Dept. of Oncology
Talk: Evolutionary approaches to cancer
02.12.09 - 07.12.09
Barbour, Andrew
Dr. Raphael Zentner, Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Regensburg
30.11.09 - 01.12.09
Froyshov, Kim
Dr. Benoit Dherin, UC Berkeley
Talk: Symplectic microgeometry
23.11.09 - 04.12.09
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Willy Dörfler, Universität Karlsruhe
Talk: Numerical Study of Simulation Processes
23.11.09 - 27.11.09
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Yvik Swan, Mathematics Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles
22.11.09 - 26.11.09
Barbour, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Olaf Steinbach, Technische Universität Graz
Talk: Stable Coupling of Finite Element and Boundary Element Methods
19.11.09 - 21.11.09
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Radu Ignat, Université Paul Sabatier, de Toulouse (Toulouse)
Talk: Entropy method for quadratic line-energy
16.11.09 - 17.11.09
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Heeralal Janwa, Universidad de Puerto Rico
Talk: On Post-Quantum PKCs
Talk: Ramanujan Graphs and PKCs from AG Codes
15.11.09 - 14.12.09
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Simon Pepin Lehalleur, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
11.11.09 - 16.11.09
Ayoub, Joseph
Anna Posfai,
09.11.09 - 13.11.09
Barbour, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Sergey Utev, School of Mathematical Sciences, The University o Nottingham
09.11.09 - 15.11.09
Barbour, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Jean-Dominique Deuschel, Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universität Berlin (Berlin)
Talk: Gradient Gibbs fields with non convex interaction
08.11.09 - 11.12.09
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. María López Fernández, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (Roma)
Talk: Adaptive, fast and oblivious convolution in evolution equations with memory
02.11.09 - 08.11.09
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Arne Winterhof, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Talk: Pseudorandom Numbers and Number Theory
02.11.09 - 07.11.09
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Graham Brightwell, Department of Mathematics, London School of Economics
29.10.09 - 02.11.09
Barbour, Andrew
Julien Marché, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Talk: Representation spaces of surfaces in SU(2): metaplectic structure and Bohr-Sommerfeld leaves
28.10.09 - 30.10.09
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Paolo Maria Mariano, Universität Florenz
27.10.09 - 18.12.09
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Jean Jacod, IMJ - Paris-6
26.10.09 - 29.10.09
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Sergei Kuksin, IMJ, Université Paris-Diderot (Paris 7) (Paris)
23.10.09 - 27.10.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Dr. Thomas Foertsch,
14.10.09 - 16.10.09
Schroeder, Viktor
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pöschel, Universtität Stuttgart
11.10.09 - 14.10.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Dr. Malwina Luczak, London School of Economics
09.10.09 - 08.11.09
Barbour, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Govind Menon, Brown University (Providence, RI (USA))
Talk: Kinetic theory and Lax equations for shock clustering and Burgers turbulence
03.10.09 - 09.10.09
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Sergei Buyalo, Steklov Mathematical Institute (St. Petersburg, Russland)
01.10.09 - 15.11.09
Schroeder, Viktor
Sara Diaz, University of Alicante
Talk: Another construction of cyclic low-density MDS array codes
01.10.09 - 31.12.09
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Francesco Ghiraldin, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
01.10.09 - 14.12.09
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Balint Toth, Institute of Mathematics, Technical University Budapest
Talk: Diffusivity bounds for 1d Brownian polymers
01.10.09 - 07.10.09
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Andreas Knauf, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität
Talk: Topological and Geometric Ideas in Scattering Theory
30.09.09 - 01.10.09
Bolthausen, Erwin
Dr. Martin Luebke,
30.09.09 - 01.10.09
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. Andrei Teleman, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille)
30.09.09 - 02.10.09
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. Hedy Attouch, Université Montpellier II
Talk: Alternating minimization algorithms. From convexity to nonconvexity.
24.09.09 - 27.09.09
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Alena Pirutka, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
22.09.09 - 25.09.09
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Valerie Isham, Statistical Science, University College
17.09.09 - 20.09.09
Barbour, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Arnaud Rougirel, Université Poitiers (Poitiers)
Talk: On the Phase Field Crystal Equations.
16.09.09 - 19.09.09
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Anatol Kirillov, RIMS
Talk: Quadratic algebras and universal Dunkl operators
09.09.09 - 12.09.09
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Rodney Y. Sharp, University of Sheffield (Sheffield, UK)
02.09.09 - 12.09.09
Brodmann, Markus
Prof. Dr. Michael Farber, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: Introduction to stochastic algebraic topology
01.09.09 - 30.09.10
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Thang Le, School of Mathematics, Georgia Inst. of Technology (Georgia)
Talk: Hyperbolic volume, torsion growth, and Mahler measure
01.09.09 - 31.10.09
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Andrei Teleman, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille)
31.08.09 - 04.09.09
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. Peter Schenzel, Martin Luther-Universität (Halle)
16.08.09 - 22.08.09
Brodmann, Markus
Dr. Thomas Foertsch,
10.08.09 - 15.08.09
Schroeder, Viktor
Kangjin Han,
07.08.09 - 16.08.09
Brodmann, Markus
Dr. Daniel Peterseim, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berlin)
03.08.09 - 07.08.09
Sauter, Stefan
Aaron Lauda, Columbia University (New York)
31.07.09 - 09.08.09
Beliakova, Anna
Sewoong Oh,
31.07.09 - 31.07.09
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pöschel, Universtität Stuttgart
25.07.09 - 27.07.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Dr. Alessandra Cipriani, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath (Bath)
01.07.09 - 02.07.09
Bolthausen, Erwin
Josh Greene, Boston College
Talk: Heegaard Floer homology and applications to low-dimensional topology
01.07.09 - 31.08.09
Beliakova, Anna
Dr. Mahir Hadzic, King's College London (London)
28.06.09 - 02.07.09
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Andrei Teleman, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille)
20.06.09 - 22.06.09
Okonek, Christian
Dr. Emmanuel Wagner, Université de Bourgogne (Dijon)
16.06.09 - 19.06.09
Beliakova, Anna
Dr. Andreas Henrici,
08.06.09 - 31.08.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Matey Mateev, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berlin, Deutschland)
08.06.09 - 08.06.09
Brodmann, Markus
Dr. Thomas Foertsch,
04.06.09 - 05.06.09
Schroeder, Viktor
Dr. Matt Roberts, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath
04.06.09 - 05.06.09
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Peter Topalov, Northeastern University (Boston)
04.06.09 - 30.06.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Dr. Felipe Torres, Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Bielefeld
04.06.09 - 04.06.09
Bolthausen, Erwin
Dr. Kim Froyshov, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
03.06.09 - 30.06.09
Okonek, Christian
Ilya Goldsheid, Queen Mary University (London)
02.06.09 - 06.06.09
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Roberto Avanzi, Ruhr-University Bochum
Talk: Trace Zero Varieties in Pairing-based Cryptography
26.05.09 - 28.05.09
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Martin Hairer, EPFL (Lausanne)
Talk: Ergodicity of Markov processes: a marriage of topology and measure theory
25.05.09 - 27.05.09
Institut für Mathematik,
Prof. Dr. Xue-Mei Hairer, University of Warwick (Warwick)
Talk: Poincar/'e inequalities on loop spaces
25.05.09 - 27.05.09
Institut für Mathematik,
Prof. Dr. Dario Bambusi, Università degli Studi di Milano (Milano)
21.05.09 - 23.05.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Dilip Patil, Indian Institute of Science
Talk: Bases and Ideal Generators for Projective Monomial Curves
21.05.09 - 31.05.09
Brodmann, Markus
Prof. Dr. Liliana Gratie,
Talk: Cesaro-Volterra path integral on a surface and applications
17.05.09 - 09.06.09
Chipot, Michel
Duc Thai Do, National University of Education
Talk: Special Talk: Unicity problem in Nevanlinna Theory
15.05.09 - 19.05.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Ofer Zeitouni, University of Minnesota and Weizmann Institute
12.05.09 - 13.05.09
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Marc Chardin,
Talk: Torsion in the symmetric algebra and images of rational maps
11.05.09 - 12.05.09
Brodmann, Markus
Prof. Dr. Philippe G. Ciarlet, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
10.05.09 - 09.06.09
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Peter Arbenz, ETH Zürich
Talk: Finite Element Analysis of Human Bone Structures
07.05.09 - 07.05.09
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Joel Feinstein, Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham
07.05.09 - 14.05.09
Barbour, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
07.05.09 - 30.05.09
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Timo Weidl, Universität Stuttgart
Talk: Semiclassical spectral bounds and beyond
07.05.09 - 07.05.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Dr. Jianqiang Zhao, Eckerd College, Florida
06.05.09 - 10.05.09
Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Nikita Semenov, LMU
Talk: Norm varieties and algebraic groups
03.05.09 - 09.05.09
Ayoub, Joseph
Makiko Sasada, Tokyo University
Talk: Hydrodynamic limit for two-species exclusion process with one conserved quantity
02.05.09 - 30.05.09
Bolthausen, Erwin
Dr. Andreas Prohl, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Talk: Fabrication of aluminium - modeling, analysis, and numerics
30.04.09 - 30.04.09
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Giovanni Peccati, Université Paris Ouest
Talk: Stein's method and infinite-dimensional Gaussian analysis: foundations and perspectives
27.04.09 - 29.04.09
Institut für Mathematik,
Prof. Dr. Matteo Focardi, Università di Firenze (Florenz)
26.04.09 - 16.05.09
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Jugal Kishore Verma, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Talk: The Chern number of an m-primary ideal in a local ring
25.04.09 - 06.05.09
Brodmann, Markus
Prof. Dr. Jiří Černý, Departement Mathematik, Universität Basel
Talk: Non-Gaussian Central Limit Theorems for some processes in random environment
20.04.09 - 21.04.09
Institut für Mathematik,
Prof. Dr. Noam Berger, Lehrstuhl für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, TUM
Talk: Slowdown estimates for random walk in random environment
19.04.09 - 21.04.09
Institut für Mathematik,
Dr. Malwina Luczak, London School of Economics
Talk: Concentration of measure and mixing for Markov chains
19.04.09 - 21.04.09
Institut für Mathematik,
Prof. Dr. Sergei Matveev, Chelyabinsk State University
Talk: Roots of geometric objects
19.04.09 - 24.04.09
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Fabio Toninelli, Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (F-Villeurbanne )
Talk: The random pinning model: disorder relevance and localization transition
19.04.09 - 21.04.09
Institut für Mathematik,
Abdelmouhcene Sengouga, University of M’sila
10.04.09 - 09.05.09
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Zhenguo Liang, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: Quasi-Periodic Solutions for 1D Schroedinger Equations and Regularity Theory of Viscosity Solutions near KAM tori
09.04.09 - 11.04.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Axel Munk, Georg August Universität Göttingen
Talk: Inverse Jumps
06.04.09 - 07.04.09
Institut für Mathematik,
Dr. Kim Froyshov, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: Monopole Floer homology for rational homology 3-spheres
05.04.09 - 07.04.09
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. László Erdős, IST Austria, Vienna (Vienna)
Talk: Wegner estimate and level repulsion for Wigner random matrices
02.04.09 - 03.04.09
Institut für Mathematik,
Luca Marchese, Le Département de Mathématiques
Talk: The Khintchin' theorem for interval exchange transformations
02.04.09 - 03.04.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Turaev, University of Indiana
Talk: Atiyah's axioms of a TQFT
Talk: Dijkgraaf's classification of 2-dimensional TQFTs in terms of Frobenius algebras
Talk: the Fukuma-Hosono-Kawai state sum construction of 2-dimensional TQFTs
Talk: Moore-Segal's open-closed 2-dimensional TQFTs and their classification
Talk: Homotopy Quantum Field Theories (HQFTs)
Talk: classification of 2-dimensional HQFTs in terms of crossed Frobenius algebras
Talk: applications of 2-dimensional HQFTs to certain enumeration problems on surfaces
02.04.09 - 19.05.09
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Ivan Nourdin, Université Paris VI
Talk: Invariance principle for homogeneous sums: universality of Wiener chaos
31.03.09 - 02.04.09
Barbour, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Giovanni Peccati, Université Paris Ouest
Talk: High-frequency asymptotics on the sphere and Clebsch-Gordan random walks
30.03.09 - 01.04.09
Barbour, Andrew
Dr. Mark Podolskij, ETHZ
30.03.09 - 02.04.09
Barbour, Andrew
Vahagn Nersesyan, Université Paris-Sud
Talk: Controllability for Schrödinger equation and applications
26.03.09 - 27.03.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang König, Weierstrass-Institut Berlin (Berlin)
Talk: A variational formula for the free energy of a many-Boson system
23.03.09 - 27.03.09
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Emanuela De Negri, University of Genoa (Italy)
22.03.09 - 24.03.09
Gorla, Elisa
Prof. Dr. Gesine Reinert, University of Oxford
Talk: Network statistics and approximate normality
22.03.09 - 27.03.09
Barbour, Andrew
Matey Mateev, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berlin, Deutschland)
Talk: An Example of Rees
19.03.09 - 20.03.09
Brodmann, Markus
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Saal, Universität Konstanz
Talk: Stability for rotating geostrophic flows
19.03.09 - 19.03.09
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Isabelle Greff, Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
Talk: Numerical Method for elliptic multiscale problems
17.03.09 - 20.03.09
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pöschel, Universtität Stuttgart
16.03.09 - 21.03.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Raquel Pinto, University of Aveiro
Talk: Input-output representations of 2D convolutional codes
15.03.09 - 30.04.09
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Mikhail Khovanov, Columbia University
Talk: Introduction to categorification
13.03.09 - 18.03.09
Beliakova, Anna
Dr. Steven Zucker, Johns Hopkins University
13.03.09 - 21.03.09
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Bernard Brighi, Université de Haute Alsace
Talk: The Blasius problem : hidden discontinuities
12.03.09 - 12.03.09
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Jing-Rebecca Li, Domaine de Voluceau - Rocquencourt
Talk: Spectral representation of fractional power time convolution kernels and application to diffusion problems
12.03.09 - 13.03.09
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Felix Fontein, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
11.03.09 - 16.03.09
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Ayan Mahalanobis, Stevens Institute of Technology
Talk: The MOR cryptosystem
08.03.09 - 12.03.09
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Giovanni Sparano, Università degli Studi di Salerno
07.03.09 - 10.03.09
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Alexandre Vinogradov, Università di Salerno
Talk: PDE, Field Theory and Secondary Calculus
07.03.09 - 13.03.09
Cattaneo, Alberto
Marco Buck, FB Mathematik, TU Kaiserslautern
04.03.09 - 05.03.09
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Thomas Götz, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
04.03.09 - 05.03.09
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pöschel, Universtität Stuttgart
02.03.09 - 07.03.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Itai Shafrir, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa)
Talk: Global minimizers for a p-Ginzburg-Landau energy in the plane
01.03.09 - 06.03.09
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Michiel van den Berg, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol (Bristol)
Talk: Minimization of Dirichlet eigenvalues subject to geometric constraints
01.03.09 - 08.03.09
Bolthausen, Erwin
Jochen Brüning, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Talk: Lokale Indexsätze für Pseudomannigfaltigkeiten
26.02.09 - 28.02.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Alexander Gnedin, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University (London)
Talk: On the number of collisions in exchangeable coalescents
25.02.09 - 27.02.09
Barbour, Andrew
Matey Mateev, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berlin, Deutschland)
23.02.09 - 24.02.09
Brodmann, Markus
Dr. Frédéric Déglise, CNRS, Paris 13
Talk: MGL-modules, transfers and cobordism classes
22.02.09 - 26.02.09
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Andrei Teleman, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille)
Talk: Gauge theoretical methods in the classification of class VII surfaces
21.02.09 - 08.03.09
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. Yuri Kifer, Hebrew University
20.02.09 - 21.02.09
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Catherine Bandle, Universität Basel (Basel)
Talk: Imperfect bifurcations in nonlinear elliptic problems on sherical caps
19.02.09 - 19.02.09
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Thomas Foertsch,
16.02.09 - 26.02.09
Schroeder, Viktor
Prof. Dr. Jörg Wildeshaus,
13.02.09 - 28.02.09
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Alain Rouault, LMV UMR, Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin (Versailles)
11.02.09 - 13.02.09
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Euisung Park, Korea University at Seoul (Seoul)
07.02.09 - 20.02.09
Brodmann, Markus
Prof. Dr. Dev Sinha, University of Oregon
Talk: Lie coalgebras and Hopf invariants
07.02.09 - 21.02.09
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Martin Fürer, Universität Zürich (Switzerland)
Talk: The Combinatorial Approach to the Graph Isomorphism Problem
01.02.09 - 31.07.09
Institut für Mathematik,
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pöschel, Universtität Stuttgart
01.02.09 - 07.02.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Dr. Louis-Hadrien Robert, Université de Genève (Genève)
01.02.09 - 31.07.09
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Heide Gluesing-Luerssen, University of Kentucky (USA)
Talk: Equivalence of Convolutional Codes
18.01.09 - 06.02.09
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pöschel, Universtität Stuttgart
11.01.09 - 16.01.09
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Roxana Smarandache, University of Notre Dame (Indiana)
Talk: Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes: Influence of Proto- and Tanner-Graph Structure on Code Parameters
Talk: Information Theory and Channel Coding
15.07.08 - 21.03.09
Rosenthal, Joachim