Prof. Dr. Frank Aurzada, Institut für mathematische Stochastik, Technische Universität Braunschweig
19.12.12 - 21.12.12
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Mathias Beiglböck, Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Wien
19.12.12 - 22.12.12
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Christian Blanchet, Université Paris 7 (France)
19.12.12 - 22.12.12
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Loic Chaumont, Université d'Angers
19.12.12 - 21.12.12
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Steffen Dereich, Institut für Mathematische Statistik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
19.12.12 - 21.12.12
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Ron Doney, Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester
19.12.12 - 22.12.12
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Nathalie Eisenbaum, Laboratoire de Probabilités, Université Paris VI
19.12.12 - 23.12.12
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Davar Khoshnevisan, Department of Mathematics, The University of Utah
19.12.12 - 23.12.12
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kyprianou, The University of Bath, Department of Mathematical Sciences (Bath, England)
19.12.12 - 21.12.12
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Yves Le Jan, Equipe Probabilités et Statistiques, Université Paris-Sud
19.12.12 - 22.12.12
Bertoin, Jean
Dr. Mladen Savov, Mathematics and Statistics, University of Reading
19.12.12 - 21.12.12
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Marc Yor, Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles aléatoires, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
19.12.12 - 21.12.12
Bertoin, Jean
17.12.12 - 19.12.12
Institut für Mathematik,
17.12.12 - 21.12.12
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Alberto López Martín, Tufts University (Medford, Massachusetts)
16.12.12 - 21.12.12
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Frédérique Oggier, Nanyang Technological University (Singapoor)
Talk: Space-Time Coding, Wiretap Channels and Coding for Distributed Storage - Three Aspects of Algebraic Coding Theory
Talk: Space-Time Coding, Wiretap Channels and Coding for Distributed Storage - Three Aspects of Algebraic Coding Theory
16.12.12 - 18.12.12
Institut für Mathematik,
Prof. Dr. Mathias Schacht, Universität Hamburg (Hamburg)
Talk: Extremal combinatorics in random discrete structures
Talk: Extremal combinatorics in random discrete structures
16.12.12 - 18.12.12
Institut für Mathematik,
Dr. Iakovos Androulidakis,
10.12.12 - 15.12.12
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Eduard Feireisl, Charles University (Prag)
Talk: Applications of the method of relative entropies in fluid dynamics
Talk: Applications of the method of relative entropies in fluid dynamics
10.12.12 - 13.12.12
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Itai Shafrir, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa)
Talk: On a minimization problem with a mass constraint in dimension two
Talk: On a minimization problem with a mass constraint in dimension two
10.12.12 - 14.12.12
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kirsch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Talk: The Factorization Method for inverse scattering problems
Talk: The Factorization Method for inverse scattering problems
06.12.12 - 06.12.12
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Carlo Sbordone, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Talk: Sobolev and biSobolev maps in the plane
Talk: Sobolev and biSobolev maps in the plane
05.12.12 - 08.12.12
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Konstantinas Pileckas, Vilnius University
03.12.12 - 06.12.12
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Damiano Anselmi, U. Pisa
02.12.12 - 08.12.12
Cattaneo, Alberto
Dr. Riccardo Brasca, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Talk: Strict O-modules and p-adic modular forms
Talk: Strict O-modules and p-adic modular forms
02.12.12 - 06.12.12
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Rémi Abgrall, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: On the construction of high order schemes for hyperbolic and parabolic equations, application to fluid mechanics
Talk: On the construction of high order schemes for hyperbolic and parabolic equations, application to fluid mechanics
27.11.12 - 30.11.12
Institut für Mathematik,
Prof. Dr. Edriss Titi, University of California Irvine
Talk: Is Dispersion a Stabilizing or Destabilizing Mechanism?
Talk: Mathematical study of certain geophysical models: global regularity and finite-time blowup results
Talk: Is Dispersion a Stabilizing or Destabilizing Mechanism?
Talk: Mathematical study of certain geophysical models: global regularity and finite-time blowup results
27.11.12 - 02.12.12
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Francesco Bonechi, U. Florenz (Florenz, Italien)
26.11.12 - 30.11.12
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Marco Cicalese, Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Talk: The quantitative isoperimetric inequality and its applications
Talk: The quantitative isoperimetric inequality and its applications
26.11.12 - 27.11.12
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Luca Barbieri Viale, (Universität di Milano, Mailand)
24.11.12 - 27.11.12
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Yoshio Yamada, Waseda University (Tokyo)
Talk: Basic results on a free boundary problem in ecology
Talk: Dynamical theory for reaction-diffusion equations
Talk: Asymptotic behavior of solutions for a free boundary problem in ecology
Talk: On logistic equations with diffusion and nonlocal effects
Talk: Spreading and vanishing dichotomy for some free boundary problems in ecology
Talk: Basic results on a free boundary problem in ecology
Talk: Dynamical theory for reaction-diffusion equations
Talk: Asymptotic behavior of solutions for a free boundary problem in ecology
Talk: On logistic equations with diffusion and nonlocal effects
Talk: Spreading and vanishing dichotomy for some free boundary problems in ecology
23.11.12 - 25.12.12
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Ole Schwen, Fraunhofer MEVIS
Talk: Composite Finite Elements for Image-Based Simulations -- Construction and Applications
Talk: Composite Finite Elements for Image-Based Simulations -- Construction and Applications
22.11.12 - 23.11.12
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Laure Saint-Raymond, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
20.11.12 - 20.11.12
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Christophe Andrieu, University of Bristol
Talk: Statistical inference with noisy likelihoods
Talk: Statistical inference with noisy likelihoods
19.11.12 - 20.11.12
Institut für Mathematik,
Dr. Benoit Dherin, UC Berkeley
19.11.12 - 25.11.12
Cattaneo, Alberto
19.11.12 - 20.11.12
Institut für Mathematik,
Prof. Dr. Felix Otto, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften (Leipzig)
19.11.12 - 20.11.12
Institut für Mathematik,
Prof. Dr. Philippe Eyssidieux, Université Joseph Fourier
Talk: Linear Shafarevich conjecture and recent progress on uniformization of higher dimensional complex projective manifolds
Talk: Linear Shafarevich conjecture and recent progress on uniformization of higher dimensional complex projective manifolds
18.11.12 - 19.11.12
Ayoub, Joseph
18.11.12 - 20.11.12
Institut für Mathematik,
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Schlein, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: Quantum dynamics, coherent states and Bogoliubov transformations
Talk: Quantum dynamics, coherent states and Bogoliubov transformations
18.11.12 - 20.11.12
Institut für Mathematik,
Prof. Dr. José Antonio Carrillo de la Plata, Imperial College
Talk: Blowup and stationary states in aggregation equations
Talk: Blowup and stationary states in aggregation equations
14.11.12 - 16.11.12
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Claire Lacour, Paris-Sud Orsay
14.11.12 - 16.11.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Jemal Peradze, Tbilisi State University
Talk: On some approximate methods for Kirchhoff and Timoshenko nonlinear differential equations
Talk: On some approximate methods for Kirchhoff and Timoshenko nonlinear differential equations
14.11.12 - 17.11.12
Chipot, Michel
David Stahl, Mathematisch Instituut, Universiteit Leiden
12.11.12 - 16.11.12
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Andrei Teleman, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille)
12.11.12 - 16.11.12
Okonek, Christian
11.11.12 - 14.11.12
De Lellis, Camillo
Dr. Emanuele Spadaro, Max Planck Institute, Leipzig (Leipzig)
11.11.12 - 17.11.12
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Kazuo Habiro, RIMS (Kyoto)
10.11.12 - 19.11.12
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Toufic Abboud, IMACS - XTEC École Polytechnique
Talk: Time domain modeling for wave applications in industry
Talk: Time domain modeling for wave applications in industry
08.11.12 - 09.11.12
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Alberto Maspero, SISSA (Trieste)
08.11.12 - 09.11.12
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Jean L. Mawhin, Université Catholique de Louvain
Talk: Multiple solutions for Neumann problems involving the mean extrinsic curvature operator in Minkowsky space
Talk: Multiple solutions for Neumann problems involving the mean extrinsic curvature operator in Minkowsky space
07.11.12 - 09.11.12
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Antonio Ponno, Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Matematica Pura e Applicata
05.11.12 - 06.11.12
Kappeler, Thomas
Dr. Marco Zambon, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid, Spanien)
31.10.12 - 03.11.12
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Mykola Ivanchov, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Talk: Inverse and free boundary problems for parabolic equations
Talk: Inverse and free boundary problems for parabolic equations
30.10.12 - 02.11.12
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Benoît Stroh, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris)
Talk: On the center of some Hecke algebras
Talk: On the center of some Hecke algebras
28.10.12 - 29.10.12
Ayoub, Joseph
Dr. Simon Barthelmé, Technische Universiät Berlin, Dept. of Software Engineering and Theoretical Computer Science
Talk: Point processes in neuroscience
Talk: Point processes in neuroscience
25.10.12 - 25.10.12
Furrer, Reinhard
Prof. Dr. Nigel Boston, University of Wisconsin (Madison, USA)
25.10.12 - 28.10.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Sergey Zelik, University of Surrey
Talk: Infinite energy solutions for damped Navier-Stokes equations in R^2
Talk: Infinite energy solutions for damped Navier-Stokes equations in R^2
24.10.12 - 26.10.12
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Maria del Carmen Muñiz, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Talk: A thermo-electrical problem arising in silicon industry
Talk: A thermo-electrical problem arising in silicon industry
22.10.12 - 26.10.12
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Nicola Gigli, University of Nice
Talk: Analytic tools for the study of spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below
Talk: Analytic tools for the study of spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below
21.10.12 - 23.10.12
De Lellis, Camillo
21.10.12 - 23.10.12
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Alberto Farina, Université de Picardie Jules Verne
Talk: Partially and globally overdetermined elliptic problems
Talk: Partially and globally overdetermined elliptic problems
17.10.12 - 19.10.12
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Mathilde Bouvel, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
14.10.12 - 17.10.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Armindo da Costa, Mathematics Institute, The University of Warwick (Warwick)
14.10.12 - 28.10.12
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Valentin Féray, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
14.10.12 - 17.10.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Sergey Lysenko, Institut Élie Cartan Nancy
Talk: Metaplectic bundles on curves, theta-sheaves and theta-lifting functors
Talk: Metaplectic bundles on curves, theta-sheaves and theta-lifting functors
14.10.12 - 16.10.12
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Guido Schneider, Universität Stuttgart
Talk: Validity and non-validity of the NLS approximation
Talk: Validity and non-validity of the NLS approximation
11.10.12 - 12.10.12
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Karen Yeressian Negarchi, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: Weak Formulation of Elliptic Integro-Differential Equations and their Spatial Decay Estimates
Talk: Weak Formulation of Elliptic Integro-Differential Equations and their Spatial Decay Estimates
11.10.12 - 11.10.12
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Tobias Lamm, Fakultät für Mathematik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Talk: Quantitative rigidity results for conformal immersions
Talk: Quantitative rigidity results for conformal immersions
08.10.12 - 09.10.12
De Lellis, Camillo
07.10.12 - 08.10.12
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Matteo Focardi, Università di Firenze (Florenz)
Talk: Homogeneization of fractional obstacles
Talk: Homogeneization of fractional obstacles
01.10.12 - 30.11.12
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Dmitry Panchenko, Department of Mathematics, Texas A & M University
01.10.12 - 05.10.12
Bolthausen, Erwin
Dr. Daniel Peterseim, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berlin)
Talk: Computational homogenization of multiscale elliptic problems
Talk: Computational homogenization of multiscale elliptic problems
01.10.12 - 05.10.12
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Dirk Zeindler, School of Mathematical Sciences, Lancaster University (Lancaster)
01.10.12 - 05.10.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Dimitri Zvonkine, Institut de Mathematiques de Jussieu (Paris)
Talk: Double ramification cycles in Mbar_{g,n}
Talk: Double ramification cycles in Mbar_{g,n}
01.10.12 - 02.10.12
Okonek, Christian
Dr. Chiara Esposito, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut
27.09.12 - 28.09.12
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Patrizia Pucci, Dipartimento di Matematica ed Informatica, University of Perugia
Talk: Existence theorems for certain quasilinear elliptic problems
Talk: Existence theorems for certain quasilinear elliptic problems
25.09.12 - 30.09.12
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Filip Rindler, University of Cambridge
Talk: Directional oscillations and concentrations in sequences of functions via microlocal compactness forms
Talk: Directional oscillations and concentrations in sequences of functions via microlocal compactness forms
23.09.12 - 27.09.12
De Lellis, Camillo
Dr. Panyu Wu, Shandong University
23.09.12 - 30.09.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Alexandre Gaudillière, CNRS, Laboratoire d'Analyse, Topologie, Probabilités UMR 7353
17.09.12 - 23.09.12
Bolthausen, Erwin
10.09.12 - 14.09.12
Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Ulrich Derenthal, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (München)
Talk: Values of quadratic polynomials represented by norms
Talk: Values of quadratic polynomials represented by norms
10.09.12 - 14.09.12
Kresch, Andrew
10.09.12 - 14.09.12
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Wojciech Gajda, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan
Talk: Independence of l-adic representations over function fields
Talk: Independence of l-adic representations over function fields
10.09.12 - 14.09.12
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. David Harari, Université de Paris-Sud
Talk: The unramified Brauer group of a homogeneous space
Talk: The unramified Brauer group of a homogeneous space
10.09.12 - 14.09.12
Kresch, Andrew
10.09.12 - 14.09.12
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Nicholas M. Katz, Princeton University
10.09.12 - 14.09.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Yongqi Liang, Université de Paris-Sud
Talk: Brauer-Manin obstruction for zero-cycles on rationally connected varieties defined over number fields
Talk: Brauer-Manin obstruction for zero-cycles on rationally connected varieties defined over number fields
10.09.12 - 14.09.12
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Dino J. Lorenzini, University of Georgia
Talk: An Avoidance Lemma and a Moving Lemma for families
Talk: An Avoidance Lemma and a Moving Lemma for families
10.09.12 - 14.09.12
Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Lilian Matthiesen, University of Bristol
Talk: Rational points on conic bundle surfaces via additive combinatorics
Talk: Rational points on conic bundle surfaces via additive combinatorics
10.09.12 - 14.09.12
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Jakob Stix, Universität Frankfurt
Talk: On the birational section conjecture with local conditions
Talk: On the birational section conjecture with local conditions
10.09.12 - 14.09.12
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Bianca Viray, Brown University
Talk: Vertical Brauer elements and del Pezzo surfaces of degree 4
Talk: Vertical Brauer elements and del Pezzo surfaces of degree 4
10.09.12 - 14.09.12
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Olivier Wittenberg, École Normale Supérieure (Paris)
Talk: Divisibility of Chow groups of 0-cycles of varieties over strictly local fields
Talk: Divisibility of Chow groups of 0-cycles of varieties over strictly local fields
10.09.12 - 14.09.12
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Trevor Wooley, University of Bristol
Talk: Weak approximation for rational morphisms from the projective line to a diagonal hypersurface
Talk: Weak approximation for rational morphisms from the projective line to a diagonal hypersurface
10.09.12 - 14.09.12
Kresch, Andrew
Marco Bianchi, Università Politecnica delle Marche
07.09.12 - 10.09.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Andrew Barbour, (Australia)
04.09.12 - 11.09.12
Barbour, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Claus P. Schnorr, Universität Frankfurt
02.09.12 - 16.09.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Nigel Boston, University of Wisconsin (Madison, USA)
01.09.12 - 04.09.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Laszlo Székelyhidi, Universität Leipzig (Leipzig)
22.08.12 - 31.08.12
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Ricardo H. Nochetto, University of Maryland
20.08.12 - 24.08.12
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Sergey I. Repin, V.A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St. Petersburg (St. Peterburg)
20.08.12 - 24.08.12
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Stamm, Department of Mathematics, RWTH Aachen (Aachen)
20.08.12 - 24.08.12
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Rob Stevenson, University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam)
20.08.12 - 24.08.12
Sauter, Stefan
16.08.12 - 16.08.12
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Kazuo Habiro, RIMS (Kyoto)
16.08.12 - 26.08.12
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Heide Gluesing-Luerssen, University of Kentucky (USA)
25.07.12 - 01.08.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Frank den Hollander, Mathematisch Instituut, Universiteit Leiden (Leiden, The Netherlands)
23.07.12 - 26.07.12
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Stephen Sain, Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences
16.07.12 - 19.07.12
Furrer, Reinhard
Daniel Ketover, Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT (Massachuset)
08.07.12 - 14.07.12
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schlag, University of Chicago
06.07.12 - 12.07.12
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Peter Topalov, Northeastern University (Boston)
06.07.12 - 15.07.12
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
20.06.12 - 23.06.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Andrei Teleman, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille)
18.06.12 - 22.06.12
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. Daniel Ueltschi, Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick (Coventry)
14.06.12 - 16.06.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Gérard Ben Arous, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
13.06.12 - 18.06.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Dirk Zeindler, School of Mathematical Sciences, Lancaster University (Lancaster)
11.06.12 - 15.06.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Peter Topalov, Northeastern University (Boston)
09.06.12 - 01.07.12
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Andrew Lorent, University of Cincinnati (Cincinnati)
08.06.12 - 14.06.12
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Douglas Nychka, Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences, National Center for Atmospheric Research (Boulder)
06.06.12 - 08.06.12
Furrer, Reinhard
Dr. Mark Silberstein, Israel Institute of Technology (Technion Israel)
06.06.12 - 30.06.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Angeles Vazquez-Castro, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Barcelona)
06.06.12 - 08.06.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Michael Cranston, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Irvine (Irvine, USA)
Talk: On the overlap of the Brownian polymer
Talk: On the overlap of the Brownian polymer
03.06.12 - 09.06.12
Bolthausen, Erwin
Matey Mateev, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berlin, Deutschland)
03.06.12 - 06.06.12
Beliakova, Anna
02.06.12 - 17.06.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Natalia Silberstein, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel)
01.06.12 - 30.06.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
01.06.12 - 05.06.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Aymeric Kalife, Axa-Winterthur Paris
Talk: Dynamic Feedback, Hedging of Long Dated Derivatives by a Large Player: From Cash Equity to Variance Swaps
Talk: Dynamic Feedback, Hedging of Long Dated Derivatives by a Large Player: From Cash Equity to Variance Swaps
31.05.12 - 03.06.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Frederic Weissler, Université Paris 13
Talk: Transversality of stable and Nehari manifolds for a semilinear heat equation
Talk: Transversality of stable and Nehari manifolds for a semilinear heat equation
31.05.12 - 01.06.12
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. José R. Fernández García, Universidade de Vigo
Talk: Numerical analysis of some problems involving surfactants
Talk: Numerical analysis of some problems involving surfactants
30.05.12 - 01.06.12
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Ronnie Sebastain, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Talk: Smash nilpotence on abelian varieties.
Talk: Smash nilpotence on abelian varieties.
29.05.12 - 30.05.12
Ayoub, Joseph
Dr. Matteo Tommasini, SISSA Trieste
Talk: The Hodge-Deligne polynomials of some moduli spaces of coherent systems
Talk: The Hodge-Deligne polynomials of some moduli spaces of coherent systems
29.05.12 - 31.05.12
Ayoub, Joseph
Dr. Guido De Philippis, SISSA International School for Advanced Studies (Trieste, IT)
Talk: Stabilty for the Plateau Problem
Talk: Stabilty for the Plateau Problem
28.05.12 - 30.05.12
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Daniel Gillam, Department of Mathematics, Brown University
28.05.12 - 31.05.12
Kresch, Andrew
Daniel Ketover, Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT (Massachuset)
26.05.12 - 14.06.12
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Govind Menon, Brown University (Providence, RI (USA))
26.05.12 - 01.06.12
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Robert J. Elliott, University of Calgary
24.05.12 - 26.05.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Joaquin Fontbona, Departamento de ingenieria matematica, Universidad de Chile
Talk: A trajectorial interpretation of entropy dissipation and a non-intrinsic Bakry-Emery criterion
Talk: A trajectorial interpretation of entropy dissipation and a non-intrinsic Bakry-Emery criterion
23.05.12 - 24.05.12
Bertoin, Jean
Camille Male, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
23.05.12 - 05.06.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Giovanni Monegato, Politecnico di Torino
Talk: A space-time boundary integral equation approach for the numerical solution of exterior wave equation problems
Talk: A space-time boundary integral equation approach for the numerical solution of exterior wave equation problems
22.05.12 - 26.05.12
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Valentin Féray, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
21.05.12 - 25.05.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Micah Milinovich, University of Mississippi
20.05.12 - 31.05.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Curien, Equipe Probabilités et Statistique, Université Paris-Sud Orsay (Orsay)
Talk: A panoramic view of the Uniform Infinite Planar Quadrangulation
Talk: A panoramic view of the Uniform Infinite Planar Quadrangulation
16.05.12 - 17.05.12
Bertoin, Jean
Dr. Victoria Hoskins, Freie Universität - Berlin (Berlin)
Talk: Harder-Narasimhan stratifications and moduli of unstable sheaves
Talk: Harder-Narasimhan stratifications and moduli of unstable sheaves
16.05.12 - 17.05.12
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. Cyril Marzouk, Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées, École polytechnique (Palaiseau)
15.05.12 - 15.05.12
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Michele Bolognesi, Université de Rennes 1
14.05.12 - 18.05.12
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Fernando Coda Marques, IMPA
Talk: Min-max theory of minimal surfaces and the Willmore Conjecture
Talk: Min-max theory of minimal surfaces and the Willmore Conjecture
14.05.12 - 14.05.12
De Lellis, Camillo
Andreas Peter, TU Darmstadt
Talk: Additively Homomorphic Encryption Revisited: A Framework and (Im-)possibility Results
Talk: Additively Homomorphic Encryption Revisited: A Framework and (Im-)possibility Results
14.05.12 - 18.05.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Dario Bambusi, Università degli Studi di Milano (Milano)
09.05.12 - 11.05.12
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Thierry Paul, Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris)
09.05.12 - 12.05.12
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Chiranjib Mukherjee, Institut für Mathematische Stochastik, WWU Münster (Münster)
08.05.12 - 10.05.12
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Gilles Pagès, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
07.05.12 - 10.05.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Paolo Tilli, Politecnico di Torino
Talk: Nonlinear wave equations as limits of convex variational problems: a conjecture of De Giorgi
Talk: Nonlinear wave equations as limits of convex variational problems: a conjecture of De Giorgi
07.05.12 - 11.05.12
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Philippe G. Ciarlet, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: Some Mathematical Problems in Shell Theory
Talk: Some Mathematical Problems in Shell Theory
06.05.12 - 11.05.12
Chipot, Michel
05.05.12 - 10.05.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Artur Avila, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: On the metric properties of Julia sets of renormalization fixed points
Talk: On the metric properties of Julia sets of renormalization fixed points
04.05.12 - 13.05.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Christina Goldschmidt, Dept. of Statistics, University of Oxford
Talk: The scaling limit of the minimum spanning tree of the complete graph
Talk: The scaling limit of the minimum spanning tree of the complete graph
02.05.12 - 03.05.12
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Grigory Panasenko, University of Saint Etienne
Talk: Partial asymptotic decomposition of thin domains; applications to the blood flow modelling
Talk: Partial asymptotic decomposition of thin domains; applications to the blood flow modelling
02.05.12 - 04.05.12
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Shane Kelly, Australian National University Canberra
Talk: An application of a theorem of Gabber on alterations to algebraic K-theory via a new Grothendieck topology.
Talk: An application of a theorem of Gabber on alterations to algebraic K-theory via a new Grothendieck topology.
01.05.12 - 02.05.12
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Sergei Buyalo, Steklov Mathematical Institute (St. Petersburg, Russland)
30.04.12 - 01.06.12
Schroeder, Viktor
26.04.12 - 27.04.12
Chipot, Michel
26.04.12 - 26.04.12
Furrer, Reinhard
Prof. Dr. Sylvie Méléard, Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées, Ecole Polytechnique
Talk: Adaptive Dynamics in a stochastic multi-resources chemostat model
Talk: Adaptive Dynamics in a stochastic multi-resources chemostat model
24.04.12 - 26.04.12
Bertoin, Jean
Prof. Dr. Erwan Faou, INRIA
23.04.12 - 27.04.12
Kappeler, Thomas
23.04.12 - 24.04.12
Okonek, Christian
Francesco Marigo,
22.04.12 - 23.04.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. John King, University of Nottingham
Talk: Geometrical theory of diffraction and reaction-diffusion
Talk: Geometrical theory of diffraction and reaction-diffusion
19.04.12 - 20.04.12
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Lehel Banjai, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig (Leipzig)
Talk: FEM/BEM coupling for wave propagation transmission problems
Talk: FEM/BEM coupling for wave propagation transmission problems
16.04.12 - 20.04.12
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Takashi Kumagai, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University
Talk: Quenched invariance principle for random walks and random divergence forms in random media on cones
Talk: Quenched invariance principle for random walks and random divergence forms in random media on cones
16.04.12 - 19.04.12
Bolthausen, Erwin
16.04.12 - 17.04.12
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. Alexander Lytchak, Mathematisches Institut, Universität Köln (Köln)
12.04.12 - 20.04.12
Schroeder, Viktor
Prof. Dr. Djalil Chafaï, Université Paris-Dauphine
11.04.12 - 13.04.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Jarod Alper, ANU / Humboldt Universität (Canberra, Australia)
03.04.12 - 08.04.12
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Jean-Dominique Deuschel, Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universität Berlin (Berlin)
02.04.12 - 04.04.12
Bolthausen, Erwin
Adam Harper, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge
Talk: Suprema of certain Gaussian processes
Talk: Suprema of certain Gaussian processes
02.04.12 - 07.04.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Yichao Huang, Ecole Normale Superieure (Paris)
02.04.12 - 05.04.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Dirk Zeindler, School of Mathematical Sciences, Lancaster University (Lancaster)
02.04.12 - 05.04.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Jochen Heinloth, Universität Duisburg-Essen (Essen)
Talk: Moduli space of bundles and Kloosterman sums
Talk: Moduli space of bundles and Kloosterman sums
31.03.12 - 02.04.12
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. Helmut Harbrecht, Departement Mathematik und Informatik, Universität Basel
Talk: Analytical and numerical methods in shape optimization
Talk: Analytical and numerical methods in shape optimization
29.03.12 - 29.03.12
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Peter Pfaffelhuber, Mathematisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität
Talk: Tree-valued Markov processes arising in population genetics
Talk: Tree-valued Markov processes arising in population genetics
28.03.12 - 28.03.12
Bertoin, Jean
Clément Foucart, LPMA, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (P6)
26.03.12 - 28.03.12
Bertoin, Jean
Michael Schneider, Technische Universität Darmstadt
26.03.12 - 30.03.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Andrei Teleman, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille)
26.03.12 - 30.03.12
Okonek, Christian
Dr. Majid Hadian-Jazi, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Talk: A motivic approach to non-abelian Chabauty method
Talk: A motivic approach to non-abelian Chabauty method
25.03.12 - 27.03.12
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Claus P. Schnorr, Universität Frankfurt
Talk: Konstruktion kurzer und nächster Gittervektoren von Gittern kleiner Dichte und die Faktorisierung ganzer Zahlen.
Talk: Konstruktion kurzer und nächster Gittervektoren von Gittern kleiner Dichte und die Faktorisierung ganzer Zahlen.
25.03.12 - 28.03.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
21.03.12 - 23.03.12
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Jean-Yves Chemin, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
20.03.12 - 21.03.12
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Anna Cadoret, Centre de Mathematiques Laurent Schwartz, Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau)
Talk: Strong Lang-Neron properties for abelian varieties (joint work with A. Tamagawa - RIMS).
Talk: Strong Lang-Neron properties for abelian varieties (joint work with A. Tamagawa - RIMS).
19.03.12 - 19.03.12
Ayoub, Joseph
Prof. Dr. Kazuo Habiro, RIMS (Kyoto)
19.03.12 - 29.03.12
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Nicola Kistler, Institut für Mathematik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Frankfurt)
19.03.12 - 23.03.12
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Sander Greenland, Dept. of Epidemiology, University of California (UCLA)
15.03.12 - 16.03.12
Furrer, Reinhard
Oliver Gnilke, University College Dublin
Talk: Semigroup Actions in Two-Party Key Agreement Protocols
Talk: Semigroup Actions in Two-Party Key Agreement Protocols
11.03.12 - 14.03.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
11.03.12 - 15.03.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Jens Zumbrägel, Universität Passau (Passau)
Talk: Simple Semirings - an Overview and New Results
Talk: Simple Semirings - an Overview and New Results
11.03.12 - 14.03.12
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Scott N. Armstrong, Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin
10.03.12 - 14.03.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Sylvia Serfaty, Courant Institute of Mathematical Science, New York University (New York)
Talk: 2D Classical Coulomb Gas and the Renormalized Energy
Talk: 2D Classical Coulomb Gas and the Renormalized Energy
10.03.12 - 14.03.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Isabelle Greff, Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
Talk: Embedding of Lagrangian/Hamiltonian systems
Talk: Embedding of Lagrangian/Hamiltonian systems
05.03.12 - 09.03.12
Sauter, Stefan
Adela Svejda, Institut für angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bonn
Talk: Convergence to extremal processes in random environments
Talk: Convergence to extremal processes in random environments
01.03.12 - 17.03.12
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Gaëtan Borot, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (Bonn)
Talk: All order finite size corrections in Coulomb gases
Talk: All order finite size corrections in Coulomb gases
29.02.12 - 03.03.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Katrin Wendland, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Talk: On symmetries of K3, its associated CFTs and the Mathieu group M_{24}
Talk: On symmetries of K3, its associated CFTs and the Mathieu group M_{24}
25.02.12 - 28.02.12
Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Amel Bentata, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
22.02.12 - 25.02.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Manuel del Pino, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile
Talk: Minimal surfaces and the Allen-Cahn equation
Talk: Minimal surfaces and the Allen-Cahn equation
22.02.12 - 26.02.12
Chipot, Michel
20.02.12 - 23.02.12
Institut für Mathematik,
Dr. Reda Chhaibi, Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse)
20.02.12 - 10.03.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
20.02.12 - 23.02.12
Institut für Mathematik,
Dr. Matthew Kahle, Stanfrod University
20.02.12 - 23.02.12
Institut für Mathematik,
Alexey Naumov, Universität Bielefeld
20.02.12 - 24.02.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Anke Pohl, University of Bremen
Talk: A dynamical approach to Maass cusp forms and the Selberg zeta function
Talk: A dynamical approach to Maass cusp forms and the Selberg zeta function
20.02.12 - 23.02.12
Institut für Mathematik,
20.02.12 - 21.02.12
Institut für Mathematik,
Dr. Jonathan Wise, Stanford University
20.02.12 - 27.02.12
Kresch, Andrew
Dr. Dirk Zeindler, School of Mathematical Sciences, Lancaster University (Lancaster)
20.02.12 - 26.02.12
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Prof. Dr. Laszlo Székelyhidi, Universität Leipzig (Leipzig)
15.02.12 - 17.02.12
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Andrei Teleman, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille)
13.02.12 - 17.02.12
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. Andrew Barbour, (Australia)
09.02.12 - 20.02.12
Barbour, Andrew
Dr. Michael Höhle, Department for Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Robert Koch Institute
07.02.12 - 15.02.12
Furrer, Reinhard
Tristan Buckmaster, Universität Leipzig
06.02.12 - 11.02.12
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Jaroslaw Buczynski, Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warszawa)
01.02.12 - 04.02.12
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Michiel van den Berg, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol (Bristol)
09.01.12 - 13.01.12
Bolthausen, Erwin