Dynamics of Parabolic Flows

Recent advances and new perspectives


Organisiert von: G. Forni, K. Fraczek, C. Ulcigrai, B. Weiss

The conference will focus on the dynamics and ergodic theory of parabolic flows, focusing on recent developments and new directions of research at the crossroads between homogeneous and Teichmueller dynamics. Topics we would like to represent include:

  • shearing and Ratner properties in smooth dynamics
  • quantitative equidistribution results for unipotent flows
  • time changes and perturbations of parabolic unipotent flows
  • horocycle flow on moduli spaces of translation surfaces
  • infinite measure preserving parabolic flows


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The conference is supported by the ERC grant ChaParDyn ( European Research Council under the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n. 335989).