7th European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems


Hotel Serapo, Gaeta

Organisiert von: B. Brighi, M. Chipot, A. Corbo Esposito, C. Sbordone, I. Shafrir, V. Valente, G. Vergara Caffarelli


Besides Elliptic and Parabolic issues, the topics of the conference include Geometry, Free Boundary Problems, Fluid Mechanics, Evolution Problems in general, Calculus of Variations, Homogenization, Control, Modeling and Numerical Analysis. In addition to the plenary talks parallel sessions and minisymposia will be organized.

The provisory list includes:
Materials with microstructure (D. Andreucci)
Partial differential equations in materials science (L. Giacomelli, G. Tomassetti)
Numerical modelling for problem solving in real life (D. Mansutti)
Asymptotic Analysis and Homogenization (S. Mardare)
Recent Advances in Nonlinear PDE's (G. Moscariello, A. Verde)
Variational methods and nonlinear PDEs (R. Servadei)
Degeneracies, Singularities and Fractals (M. A. Vivaldi)

People interested in organizing a minisymposium should contact one of the organizers before March 15, 2012.

Gaeta, where the conference will take place, is in the gulf of Serapo between Rome and Naples. From Rome Fiumicino Airport "Leonardo da Vinci" take a train to ROMA TERMINI (the main railways station of Rome) and, once there, take a train to FORMIA. At the Formia station you will find shuttle busses to Gaeta. If you prefer you can take a taxi. You can get information about train-schedules at the Italian Railways web-site. The hotel is located directly at the sea, just a ten minute walk from the old city of Gaeta.

ProceedingsProgramAbstractsList of participantsBus scheduleTaxi


Gerda Schacher
Institut für Mathematik
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zürich


Please, your hotel reservation and payment have to be arranged with the hotel: info@hotelserapo.com, www.hotelserapo.com

Prices for full board:
80 Euros for single rooms, 136 Euros for double rooms, 192 Euros for triple rooms, 240 Euros for quadruple rooms

Prices for half board:
68 Euros for one persone per day in a single room, 56 Euros for one persone per day in a double room, 52 Euros for one persone per day in a triple room, 48 Euros for one persone per day in a quadruple room

The registration fee is CHF 75. Please register and make your payments by April 1st, 2012, at latest (after this date the registration fee will be CHF 150). There is no refund after March 31. Please specify your payment order with "Registration fee for Gaeta 2012" and make sure that your payment covers the bank fees.

Die Schweizerische Post
Account-no: 30-491882-2
IBAN: CH35 0900 0000 3049 1882 2
Holder of the account
Rechnungswesen der Universität Zürich
8001 Zürich

Please send a copy of your payment order to:

Gerda Schacher
Institut für Mathematik
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 110
8057 Zürich