Minisymposium 2017


Organisiert von: R. Furrer

On April 6, 2017 there will be a Minisymposium with several talks related to
Biostatistics projects of the Applied Statistics group.

All are warmly welcome to attend the Minisymposium.

Thursday, 06.04.17
Zeit Referent VortragstitelRaum
10:00-12:00Samuel Noll
(Universität Zürich)
The trinormal ROC model comparisonY21D68a
11:00-12:00Thimo Schuster
Scale space multiresolution analysis in RY21D68a
12:00-13:00LUNCH BREAK
13:00-14:00Andrea Meier
Risk factor study of pododermatitis in rabbits using additive Bayesian networksY21D68a
14:00-15:00Marta Pittavino
(International Agency for Research on Cancer, WHO)
A Bayesian hierarchical model to integrate dietary exposure and biomarker measurements for the risk of kidney and lung cancerY21D68a