Symposium about Mathematics


Organisiert von:  Institut für Mathematik

Wednesday, 13.06.12
Zeit Referent VortragstitelRaum
09:00-10:00Artëm Sapozhnikov
(Mathematisches Institut, Universität Leipzig)
Random walk on discrete torus and random interlacementsY27H28
11:00-12:00Antti Knowles
(Section of Mathematics, University of Geneva)
Quantum diffusion and delocalization in random band matricesY27H28
14:00-15:00Benjamin Stamm
(Department of Mathematics, RWTH Aachen)
Reduced Basis Method, Greedy Sampling and its application to Electromagnetic Scattering ProblemsY27H28
16:00-17:00Manuel Kauers
(Johannes Kepler University Linz)
How many roadsY27H28
Thursday, 14.06.12
Zeit Referent VortragstitelRaum
09:00-10:00Thomas Willwacher
(ETH Zürich)
Graph complexes and the Grothendieck-Teichmüller groupY27H28
11:00-12:00Tanja Eisner
(University of Leipzig)
Arithmetic progressions and ergodic theoryY27H28
14:00-15:00Valentin Féray
(Universität Zürich)
Dual approach for characters of symmetric groupsY27H28