Categorification in Algebra, Geometry and Physics

A conference in honor of the 60th birthday of Christian Blanchet


Organisiert von: A. Beliakova, S. Cautis, A. Lauda

Cargèse (Corsica)

This conference will create a forum for both young and established researchers to learn about the tools and techniques arising from categorification that have been used to solve concrete problems. Experts in categorification will present future directions, open problems, and areas of interest where these tools are likely to have significant impact. The conference will bring together researchers from various fields of mathematics and theoretical physics to promote enhanced communication and the dissemination of ideas.

Main Topics will include

Geometry, Topology, Representation Theory, Quantum Field Theory, String Theory, Combinatorics, Higher gauge theory

The following participants will help animate the workshop

Sergei Gukov, Kazuo Habiro, Joel Kamnitzer, Mikhail Khovanov, Thang Le, Anthony Licata, Robert Lipshitz, Ciprian Manolescu, Gregor Masbaum, Hiraku Nakajima, Hoel Queffelec, Lev Rozansky, Joshua Sussan, Ben Webster, Stephan Wehrli, Geordie Williamson