Talk: Indirect measurements in quantum mechanics, Prof. Dr. Martin Fraas

Indirect measurements were present in the statistical structure of QM from its first development by von Neumann, and their basic mathematically theory was later described by Kraus. Recent interest in the field originates in the photon counting experiments of Haroche. A sequence of indirect measurements gives a density matrix valued stochastic process with a rich mathematical structure. The main aim of the lecture would be to introduce the theory and to describe its connections to the estimation theory, equivalence of ensembles, martingales, etc. I will also shortly describe an application to adiabatic feedback control. A part of the talk is based on a joint work with M. Ballesteros, J. Frohlich and B. Schubnel.


Organisiert von: C. De Lellis Prof. Dr.

Camillo De Lellis

Zeit: 11:00 Uhr

Raum: Y23 G04