- Editor in chief of the Journal of Computational Physics (2015-)
- Co-Editor in Chief of International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (2011-2015)
- Associate editor of the Journal of Computational Physics (2003-2015)
- Associate editor of Computer and Fluids (2001-)
- Editorial board of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (M2AN,2002-2008)
- Associate editor of the Journal of Scientific Computing
- Associate editor of the International of Computing Science and Mathematics
- Editorial board of Mathématiques et Applications (2008-)
- Associate editor of Mathematics of Computation (2010-2017)
- Editorial board of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2008-)
- Associate editor of Communication in Computational Physics (2017-)
- Associate editor of Communication on Applied Mathematics and Computation (2018-)
- Associate editor of Mathematics and and Computers in Simulation (2018-)
- Editorial board of Series in Applied and Numerical Mathematics, De Gruyer(2017-)
- Editorial board of Science China Mathematics (2023-)