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Growth-fragmentation processes in the Brownian motion indexed by the Brownian tree |
with Jean-François Le Gall. (Ann. Probab. 48 (2020), 1742-1784)
Some explicit distributions for Brownian motion indexed by the Brownian tree /
with J.-F. Le Gall. (Markov Processes Relat. Fields 26 (2020), 659-686, Special Issue.)
Spine representations for non-compact models of random geometry/
with Jean-François Le Gall. (Probab. Th. Rel. Fields 181 (2021), 571-645).
Isoperimetric inequalities in the Brownian plane/
(To appear Ann. Probab.)
The structure of the local time of Markov processes indexed by Levy trees/
with Alejandro Rosales-Ortiz (pre-publication)