Die Preprint Serie wurde 2015 eingestellt.
Preprint Serie des Jahres 2007
T. H. Colding, C. De Lellis, W. P. Minicozzi II
Three Circles Theorems for Schrödinger Operators on Cylindrical Ends and Geometric Applications Updated version
Three Circles Theorems for Schrödinger Operators on Cylindrical Ends and Geometric Applications Updated version
A. Poliakovsky
Sharp Upper Bounds for a Singular Perturbation Problem related to Micromagnetics
Sharp Upper Bounds for a Singular Perturbation Problem related to Micromagnetics
A. Poliakovsky
A General Technique to prove Upper Bounds for Singular Perturbation Problems
A General Technique to prove Upper Bounds for Singular Perturbation Problems
L. Banjai, W. Hackbusch
Hierarchical matrix techniques for low and high frequency Helmholtz problems
Hierarchical matrix techniques for low and high frequency Helmholtz problems
L. Banjai
Revisiting the crowding phenomenon in Schwarz-Christoffel mapping
Revisiting the crowding phenomenon in Schwarz-Christoffel mapping
C. De Lellis
Ordinary Differential Equations with Rough Coefficients and the Renormalization Theorem of Ambrosio [d’après Ambrosio, DiPerna, Lions]
Ordinary Differential Equations with Rough Coefficients and the Renormalization Theorem of Ambrosio [d’après Ambrosio, DiPerna, Lions]
C. De Lellis, L. Székelyhidi Jr.
The Euler Equations as a Differential Inclusion Updated version
The Euler Equations as a Differential Inclusion Updated version
I. Babuska, S. Sauter
Efficient Solution of Anisotropic Lattice Equations by the Recovery Method
Efficient Solution of Anisotropic Lattice Equations by the Recovery Method
F. Lihr, T. Preusser, M. Rumpf, S. Sauter, O. Schwen
Composite Finite Elements for 3D Image Based Computing
Composite Finite Elements for 3D Image Based Computing
L. Banjai, S. Sauter
Rapid solution of the wave equation in unbounded domains
Rapid solution of the wave equation in unbounded domains
S. Boissière, E. Mann, F. Perroni
A Model for the Orbifold Chow Ring of Weighted Projective Spaces
A Model for the Orbifold Chow Ring of Weighted Projective Spaces
F. Perroni
A Note on Toric Deligne-Mumford Stacks
A Note on Toric Deligne-Mumford Stacks
A. S. Cattaneo
Deformation Quantization and Reduction
Deformation Quantization and Reduction
A. Poliakovsky
On a Variational Approach to the Navier-Stokes Equations
On a Variational Approach to the Navier-Stokes Equations
E. Spadaro
Non-Uniqueness of Minimizers for Strictly Polyconvex Functionals
Non-Uniqueness of Minimizers for Strictly Polyconvex Functionals
R. Robyr
SBV regularity of entropy solutions for a class of genuinely nonlinear scalar balance laws with non-convex flux function
SBV regularity of entropy solutions for a class of genuinely nonlinear scalar balance laws with non-convex flux function
S. Sauter
Finite Elements for Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems: Error estimates which are explicit with respect to $\lambda$, h and p
Finite Elements for Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems: Error estimates which are explicit with respect to $\lambda$, h and p
A. Beliakova, I. Bühler, T. Le
Unified SO(3) quantum invariant for rational homology 3-Spheres
Unified SO(3) quantum invariant for rational homology 3-Spheres
D. Peterseim, S. Sauter
The Composite Mini Element - Coarse Mesh Computation of Stokes Flows on Complicated Domains
The Composite Mini Element - Coarse Mesh Computation of Stokes Flows on Complicated Domains
A. S. Cattaneo, M. Zambon
Coisotropic Embeddings in Poisson Manifolds
Coisotropic Embeddings in Poisson Manifolds
E. De Negri, E. Gorla
G-Biliaison of Ladder Pfaffian Varieties
G-Biliaison of Ladder Pfaffian Varieties
E. Gorla
A generalized Gaeta’s Theorem
A generalized Gaeta’s Theorem
L. Banjai, S. Börm, S. Sauter
FEM for Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems: How Coarse Can the Coarsest Mesh be Chosen? An Experimental Study.
FEM for Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems: How Coarse Can the Coarsest Mesh be Chosen? An Experimental Study.
A. Barbour, V. Cekanavicius, A. Xia
On Stein's method and perturbations
On Stein's method and perturbations