The SK model is FRSB (full replica symmetry breaking) at zero temperature
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Antonio Auffinger
Datum: 18.10.17 Zeit: 17.15 - 18.15 Raum: ETH HG G 43
In the early ‘80s, Giorgio Parisi wrote a series of ground breaking papers where he introduced the notion of replica symmetry breaking. His powerful insight allowed him to predict a solution for the SK model by breaking the symmetry of replicas infinitely many times. In this talk, we will prove Parisi's prediction at zero temperature for the mixed p-spin model, a generalization of the SK model. We will show that at zero temperature the functional order parameter is full-step replica symmetry breaking (FRSB). We will also describe the importance of this result for the description of the energy landscape. Based on works with Wei-Kuo Chen (U. of Minnesota) and Qiang Zeng (Northwestern U.).