On syndrome decoding of interleaved Gabidulin and subspace codes.
Vortrag von Dr. Vladimir Sidorenko
Sprecher eingeladen von: Prof. Dr. Joachim Rosenthal
Datum: 27.09.17 Zeit: 15.00 - 16.00 Raum: Y27H12
The direct sum of L Gabidulin codes is called L-Interleaved
Gabidulin (L-IG) code. There are known simple decoders of L-IG codes
that correct with high probability nearly twice more errors in rank
metric than using a single code. However, these decoders do not correct
more erasures.
There are two types of erasures in rank metric which are called
erasures and deviations (or row and column erasures). Bartz and
Wachter-Zeh suggested an interpolation-based decoder of L-IG codes
correcting L times more deviations than the simple decoder. Since
syndrome decoders are more preferable in practice, we ask the question:
can we propose a syndrome-based decoder with the same performance? In
this talk we give a positive answer to this question.
We also consider subspace codes obtained by lifting of L-IG codes.
Using the syndrome decoder we can correct L times more insertions than
deletions. We propose to avoid deletions and to use the full redundancy
of the subspace code for correction a large number of insertions.