Modul:   MAT076  Arbeitsgemeinschaft in Codierungstheorie und Kryptographie

Success and limitation of Coppersmith's methods

Vortrag von Dr. Gérard Maze

Datum: 08.11.17  Zeit: 16.00 - 17.00  Raum: Y27H12

During this informal talk, we aim at describing the recent application of a variation of the Coppersmith's attack against some RSA public keys generated by a widely used library. We will show how one can adapt the technique created by Coppersmith to this situation and take advantage of the flaws in the RSA key generation. In a second time, we will describe a situation where an assumption usually accepted when using a multivariate version of the modular Coppersmith attack fails to be true, leading to interesting questions connecting lattice reduction algorithms and algebraic independence of polynomials.