Modul:   MAT675  PDE and Mathematical Physics

[Video] On the stabilization of 1-D hyperbolic systems

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Jean Michel Coron

Datum: 16.11.17  Zeit: 18.10 - 19.30  Raum: Y27H35/36

Abstract : This talk is on the stabilization of systems modeled by means hyperbolic systems in one space dimension. These systems appear in various real life applications (navigable rivers and irrigation channels, heat exchangers, plug flow chemical reactors, gas pipe lines, chromatography,...). On these systems we study the stabilization problem. We show how to construct explicit stabilizing feedback laws. We present specific feedback laws which have been implemented for the regulation of the rivers La Sambre and La Meuse. We show the importance of the choice of functional spaces for the stabilization issue: different functional spaces lead to different conditions on the feedback laws for the exponential stability even in the regular case. We also give some results in the more complicate case where there are source terms.
