What is... a quantum group?
Vortrag von Dr. Artem Kalmykov
Datum: 06.03.18 Zeit: 17.15 - 18.30 Raum:
The Yang-Baxter equation has its origins in the theory of integrable systems and appears in many areas of mathematics and physics; for example, in the study of knot invariants. Finding solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation is a quite difficult, however a method introduced by the Leningrad school gives a hint of where to find them: the theory of quantum groups. A quantum group is an algebraic object, phrased roughly in terms of generators and relations, which at first glance has nothing to do with either of the words "quantum" or "group". In my talk, I will justify this terminology by explaining in what sense a quantum group quantizes a group. If time permits, I will also discuss applications to knot invariants.