[Video] Planar Sobolev extension domains
Vortrag von Dr. Yi Zhang
Datum: 22.02.18 Zeit: 18.10 - 19.00 Raum: Y27H35/36
Abstract: A domain $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^2$ is called a $W^{1,\,p}$-extension domain if it admits an extension operator $E\colon W^{1,\,p}(\Omega) \to W^{1,\,p}(\mathbb R^2)$ with controlled norm. A full geometric characterization of these domains for $p=2$ was given around 1980. The case $p>2$ was finally solved by P. Shvartsman in 2010. We discuss about the remaining cases, and give some new understandings of the geometric characterizations from the point of view of (classical) complex analysis.