Modul:   MAT070  Zurich Colloquium in Mathematics

What on earth is going on with subfactors?

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Vaughan F.R. Jones

Sprecher eingeladen von: Prof. Dr. Anna Beliakova

Datum: 20.05.19  Zeit: 16.15 - 17.15  Raum: Y27H25

Abstract: As a first approximation, subfactors can be thought of as groups whose order (the “index” of the subfactor) need not be an integer. Recently all subfactors of index less than 5.25 have been classified. Not very impressive accoding to the group analogy….. Most subfactors on the list are no longer surprises, but there are a few “sporadic” examples which cannot be constructed by known machines such as quantum groups and conformal field theory. I will describe this classification, with pictures, and speculate as to how the subfactor world relates to other parts of mathematics and physics.