Probabilistic aspects of the $Phi^4_3$ Euclidean Quantum Field Theory
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Massimiliano Gubinelli
Datum: 20.02.19 Zeit: 17.15 - 19.00 Raum: Y27H12
The $Phi^4_3$ Euclidean QFT is a non-Gaussian measure supported on distribution over a three dimensional finite or infinite domain which has applications to constructive quantum field theory. In this talk I will review recent work on the construction and characterisation of the $Phi^4_3$ Euclidean QFT via stochastic methods. In particular I will discuss a variational formula for its Laplace transform in a finite volume, its construction in infinite volume via PDE techniques and an integration by parts formula. (based on joint works with N. Barashkov and M. Hofmanova)