Linear codes with prescribed projective codewords of minimum weight
Vortrag von Dr. Stefan Tohaneanu
Datum: 31.03.21 Zeit: 16.00 - 17.00 Raum:
<a href="" target="_blank"><button>Video<i class="fa fa-play-circle"></i></button></a> (**This eSeminar will take place on Zoom, using the same meeting details as previous seminars. If you do not have meeting details, please contact **)<br><br> Consider $C$, an $[n,k,d]$-linear code. Every projective codeword of minimum weight $d$ corresponds to a point in $\mathbb P^{k-1}$, and there are strong connections between the algebraic and geometric properties of these points and the parameters of $C$, especially with the minimum distance $d$. The most non-trivial connection is the fact that the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of the coordinate ring of these points is a lower bound for $d$. Conversely, given a finite set of points $X$ in $\mathbb P^{k-1}$, it is possible to construct linear codes with projective codewords of minimum weight corresponding to $X$. We will discuss about these constructions, and we will also look at the particular case when the constructed linear code has minimum distance equal to the regularity.