What is... a higher Teichmüller space?
Vortrag von Xenia Lorena Flamm
Datum: 25.10.22 Zeit: 16.30 - 18.00 Raum:
Hyperbolic structures on a surface are equivalent to injective homomorphisms with discrete image from its fundamental group to PSL(2,R). These are the objects of study of classical Teichmüller theory. Replacing PSL(2,R) by a higher rank Lie group, such as PSL(n,R) for n at least 3, leads to the notion of a higher rank Teichmüller space. In this talk, we will define higher rank Teichmüller spaces, discuss their existence and properties, and see an example of how they arise as geometric structures on the surface. No prior knowledge on Lie groups or hyperbolic geometry is required.