The Fröhlich Polaron at strong coupling
Vortrag von Dr. Morris Brooks
Sprecher eingeladen von: Prof. Dr. Benjamin Schlein
Datum: 17.11.22 Zeit: 16.15 - 17.00 Raum: KOL G209
In this talk we will discuss recent results of Robert Seiringer and myself, concerning the ground state energy and the energy-momentum relation of the Fröhlich polaron, which is a model describing the interactions between a charged particle and a polarized medium. We especially verify a conjecture by Landau and Pekar from 1948, claiming that the energy-momentum relation asymptotically coincides with the one of a free particle having an increased mass M=alpha^4 m, where m is an explicit constant, in the regime of large couplings alpha between the particle and the medium, and suitably small momenta.