Modul:   MAT760  Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Seminar

Random matrices and iterated function schemes: Lyapunov exponents and dimensions

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Mark Pollicott

Sprecher eingeladen von: Prof. Dr. Artur Avila

Datum: 26.09.22  Zeit: 13.30 - 14.30  Raum: Y27H28

We will set the scene by considering Cantor sets in the real line and generated by simple iterated function schemes and estimates on the value of their Hausdorff dimension. This has applications to problems related to the Zaremba conjecture and Lagrange spectra. We will then focus on the problem of estimating the (top) Lyapunov exponent for random matrix products. By way of an application, we will be interested in the value of the drift for Fuchsian groups and implications for the harmonic measure.