Hybrid Modeling: Newton + Kepler = Success
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Stefan Kurz
Datum: 17.05.23 Zeit: 16.30 - 18.00 Raum: Y27H35/36
The talk will first exemplify Hybrid Modeling, that is combining first-principle based with data-driven models, on a toy example. Next, an approach for formalizing hybrid modeling will be presented, in terms of architectural design patterns. Afterwards, the benefits of Hybrid Modeling will be demonstrated in two applications: (i) data-driven electromagnetic field simulation, where the constitutive law will be directly inferred from data, and (ii) irregular time series, where mathematical structures such as Kálmán filter and stochastic ODEs are integrated within deep neural networks. The talk concludes with some suggestions for research questions.
(joint work with Barbara Rakitsch and Maja Rudolph)