What is… a brane?
Vortrag von Dr. Lennart Döppenschmitt
Datum: 30.05.23 Zeit: 16.15 - 18.30 Raum:
I will attempt to give an answer in three parts. First I will argue that branes appear naturally as boundary conditions in quantum field theories, in particular, we will observe how Lagrangian branes are suitable boundary conditions in the topological A-model. We will proceed with a swift introductory "101" on generalized complex geometry to properly fortify our understanding of branes in the mathematical sense. Well-equipped with the proper language, we will go through three and a half examples among which is a new(ish) perspective on Kähler metrics as branes (yes, metrics can be branes). If time permits we will finish with a quick look at the role that branes play in the story of mirror symmetry à la Strominger-Yau-Zaslow.