Modul:   STA671  Kolloquium über anwendungsorientierte Statisik

Dealing with contamination in geo-​experiments

Vortrag von Dr. Sylvain Robert

Datum: 15.12.23  Zeit: 15.15 - 16.15  Raum: ETH HG G 19.1

'Advertisers are interested in measuring the effectiveness of their online marketing campaigns on various platforms. While user-​based experiments are efficient and well-​understood, they are not always feasible because of technical and legal reasons. Geo-​based experiments are an attractive and privacy-​centric alternative, where experimental units are defined as geographical regions instead of individual users. One issue with this type of experiments, however, is the presence of contamination (or interference) between units, due to natural movement of people and imprecision in geo-​localization. In this work we will try to quantify the amount of contamination in our experiments and propose possible solutions to mitigate its adverse effect, both during the estimation at the end of the expriment and upstream at the design phase.'