The low-energy spectrum of the strongly coupled polaron
Vortrag von Dr. David Mitrouskas
Sprecher eingeladen von: Prof. Dr. Benjamin Schlein
Datum: 09.11.23 Zeit: 16.15 - 18.00 Raum: ETH HG G 19.2
The polaron model describes an electron interacting with a polarizable crystal which is modelled by a nonrelativistic continuous quantum field. If the interaction between the electron and the field is strong, it is known that the ground state energy is to leading order given by the ground state energy of the semiclassical polaron model, where the field is treated as a classical variable. In this talk, we give a detailed description of the full low-energy spectrum of the (confined) polaron by providing arbitrarily high corrections to the semiclassical energy. More precisely, we present an asymptotic series expansion for every low-energy eigenvalue in inverse powers of the coupling constant. Towards the end of the talk, we will discuss what is known about the low-energy spectrum of the non-confined translation-invariant polaron, in particular, the existence of excited bound states at fixed total momentum. The talk is based on joint works with M. Brooks, K. Mysliwy and R. Seiringer.''