Modul:   MAT075  Zurich Graduate Colloquium

What is… a translation surface?

Vortrag von Yuriy Tumarkin

Datum: 16.04.24  Zeit: 16.30 - 17.30  Raum:

''If you take a square and glue the opposite sides together, you get a flat torus. What happens if you start with a different polygon instead, say a regular octagon? The result is a translation surface, a central object in the field of Teichmüller Dynamics. Of particular interest is the straight-line flow on a translation surface, a simple to define dynamical system that arises from the study of billiards in polygons. In this talk I will give a friendly introduction to a few of the key concepts of the field, such as the moduli space of translation surfaces, and the idea of using renormalisation to study the dynamics on a translation surface.''