Modul:   MAT870  Zurich Colloquium in Applied and Computational Mathematics

Operator learning without the adjoint

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Nicolas Boullé

Datum: 26.03.25  Zeit: 16.30 - 18.00  Raum: ETH HG G 19.2

There is a mystery at the heart of operator learning: how can one recover a non-self-adjoint operator from data without probing the adjoint? Current practical approaches suggest that one can accurately recover an operator while only using data generated by the forward action of the operator without access to the adjoint. However, naively, it seems essential to sample the action of the adjoint for learning time-dependent PDEs. In this talk, we will first explore connections with low-rank matrix recovery problems in numerical linear algebra. Then, we will show that one can approximate a family of non-self-adjoint infinite-dimensional compact operators via projection onto a Fourier basis without querying the adjoint.