The goal of this seminar is to derive the mechanics equations for fluids and solids. The proposed model comes from an unified treatment of continuum mechanics and thermodynamics. To reach it, first of all, we will discuss tensor algebra, differentiation and integral tools needed to develop the theory. We will study the kinematics of bodies and the conservation of mass and momentum. Then, we will examine the thermodynamical principles of total energy conservation and of entropy imbalance. Using these laws, we will derive a model for compressible materials, which is comprehensive of fluids and solids.
The seminar is based on some chapters of the book Gurtin, M., Fried, E., & Anand, L. (2010). The Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Continua. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Duties: The students should present some chapters of the book Gurtin, M., Fried, E., & Anand, L. (2010). The Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Continua. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. and actively participate to the other presentations.
Time schedule: Wednesday 13.00 - 14.45, starting from 20.02.19 until 29.05.19.
Prerequisites: Basic analysis and linear algebra.
ECTS credits: 3.
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Modul: MAT880 Seminar in Numerik