HS 23


In diesem Semester findet das ausgewählte Seminar nicht statt

The requirements for this seminar are to

  1. Give a talk on a topic or paper (suggestions below)
  2. Write up notes for the talk
  3. Actively participate during the talks


Suggested Topics:

  • Hermitian line bundles and Chern connections
  • Kähler Ricci Flow
  • Kähler class and Kähler cone
  • Hodge decomposition
  • Calabi's extremal Kähler metrics
  • Kähler metrics in physics (zumino1979, huybrechts2005)
  • Reduction of structure group
  • Extremal Kähler metrics (calabi1982)
  • Calabi conjecture
  • Generalized Kähler metrics


Suggested references:

  • Lectures on Kähler Geometry - Andrei Moroianu 2004
  • Complex Geometry; An Introduction - Daniel Huybrechts 2005
  • Canonical Metrics in Kähler Geometry - Gang Tian 2000
  • Lecture notes on the Kähler-Ricci Flow - Jian Song, Ben Weinkove 2012
  • Über eine bemerkenswerte Hermitesche Metrik - Erich Kähler 1933
  • Supersymmetry and Kähler manifolds - Bruno Zumino 1979
  • Extremal Kähler metrics - Eugenio Calabi 1982
  • The Hamiltonian geometry of the space of unitary connections with symplectic curvature - Joel Fine 2014
  • Symmetric Spaces, Kähler Geometry and Hamiltonian Dynamics - Simon Donaldson 1999
  • Moment Maps and Diffeomorphisms - Simon Donaldson 2000
  • Morita Equivalence and the generalized Kähler potential - Francis Bischoff, Marco Gualtieri, Maxim Zabsine 2018

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