Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte: Dr. Julia Schneider
Modul: 09.02.2024 9:00-12:00, Raum: Y15G40 Plätze: 284, Typ: schriftlich
Repetition: 11.07.2024-26.07.2024, Prüfungstermin vorläufig, Raum: Y27H12 Plätze: 50, Typ: mündlich
Repetition: 03.09.2024 10:00-11:15, Raum: Y27H12 Plätze: 50, Typ: mündlich
Cheat sheet: You are allowed to bring one A4-sheet to the exam, handwritten (by yourself), written on both sides. It is also allowed to write notes on your ipad (or similar) and print it out.
50% of the points in the exercises is a must to take the exam.
The repetition exam will take place before the end of July 2023.