The first lecture takes place on Wednesday 22.02.2017. No lecture on Monday 20.02.2017.
Monday 15.05.2017: no lecture.
Wednesday 17.05.2017: no exercise class. The lecture takes place as usual at 10.15.
The exercise class of Wednesday 31.05.2017 takes place on Friday 02.06.2017 at 10.15 in Y27-H-26.
- On Khovanov's categorification of the Jones polynomial, Dror Bar-Natan.
- Khovanov's homology for tangles and cobordisms, Dror Bar-Natan.
- Knots, Gerhard Burde, Heiner Zieschang.
- Frobenius Algebras and 2D Topological Quantum Field Theories, Joachim Kock.
- An Introduction to Knot Theory, W.B. Raymond Lickorish.
- Knot Theory & Its Applications, Kunio Murasugi.
- Knots and Links, Dale Rolfsen.
- Lectures on the Topology of 3-Manifolds, Nikolai Saveliev.
Some additional references:
- Algebraic Topology, Allen Hatcher.
- Topology of Surfaces, L. Christine Kinsey.
Module: 15.07.2017 10:00-14:00, Room: Y27J18 Seats: 1, Type: oral exam
Repetition: 29.08.2017 10:00-14:00, Room: Y27J18 Seats: 1, Type: oral exam