How does the ECTS credit system work?

All courses are carried out according to the principle of the credit point system. With this system, credit points (ECTS) are awarded for all services on the basis of a certificate of performance. The following principles apply: No points without proof of achievement. One credit point corresponds to a workload of 30 hours. During this time, presence time, time for self-employment (self-study, solving exercises, etc.) are included. The work for one semester of full-time study (including the semester break) equals 30 ECTS credits.

How many credits do I have to earn? Which period is available to me?

To be awarded the bachelor's degree, 180 ECTS credits are required, to be award the master's degree another 90. This means that the bachelor's degree usually takes six, the master's degree takes another three semesters. There is no longer a maximum period of study at the faculty of science. Please note however that tuition fees are doubled after 12 semesters in both the Bachelor's and Master's programs. Which means especially if you are studying part-time it might be a good idea to plan your studies carefully. If there are important reasons, the student can apply to the Dean of Studies for an extension of the study period, for which the single tuition fee is payable, by two semesters. The application must be justified and submitted within 30 days after receipt of the transcript of records.

Can I arrange my credit points as I like?

No. Credits can not be earned with any course. Die Guidelines and the Program regulation provides information on the extent to which courses are compulsory and which can be chosen.

How do I know my ECTS credit score?

Once a semester, you will receive a list of the ECTS credits you have earned so far and, if granted, the marks you have earned. You are obliged to report any discrepancies to the Dean of Studies within four weeks.