Lecture notes: Lecture notes for several of the topics covered will be provided and posted here.
Additional References: Textbooks which can be used as additional reference for some of the topics include:
- B. Hasselblatt and A. Katok, Dynamics: A first course. (Cambridge University Press, 2003) – Chapters 7,8,10 and 15
- M. Brin and G. Stuck, Introduction to Dynamical Systems. (Cambridge University Press, 2002) – Chapters 1-4
- M. Einsiedler and T. Ward, Ergodic Theory with a view towards Number Theory (Springer) - Topics from Chapters 2-3-4 and especially Chapter 9 for the last part of the course.
- Omri Sarig, Lectures Notes on Ergodic Theory (Available Online), Topics from Chapter 1 and 2
Lecture notes will be posted in parts.
Below you will find lecture notes which correspont to the first classes.
PLEASE REFRESH YOUR BROWSER (otherwise then file is replaced you will not see the latest version).
Lecture notes - Part I (Examples of dynamical systems and first fundamental ideas)
Lecture notes - Part II (Topological and Symbolic Dynamics) -updated to fix picture problem
Lecture Notes - Part III (Ergodic Theory)
Lecture Notes - Part IV (Continuous time dynamical systems: a quick journey)
OFFICE HOURS. Davide Ravotti is offering some special office hours time for review. You are welcome to go to office J08 to discuss solutions to exercises and any further question about the course during the following times:
- Thursday 10th Jan. 17:30-18:15
- Friday 11th Jan. 9:30-10:15
- Monday 14th Jan. 17:30-18:15
- Tuesday 15th Jan. 9:30-10:15
- Wednesday 16th Jan. 17:30-18:15
Of course you are also very welcome to come to my office (K36), you can set up an appointment by email to be sure I am available.
Module: 23.01.2019 9:00-12:00, Room: Y27H25 Seats: 50, Type: written exam
Repetition: 10.09.2019 9:00-12:00, Room: Y27G28 Seats: 8, Type: written exam