Prof. Dr. Reinhard Furrer, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
16.12.08 - 18.12.08
Barbour, Andrew
Matey Mateev, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berlin, Deutschland)
15.12.08 - 16.12.08
Brodmann, Markus
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pöschel, Universtität Stuttgart
15.12.08 - 20.12.08
Kappeler, Thomas
Andreas Stein, Universität Oldenburg
Talk: Efficient Divisor Arithmetic on Hyperelliptic Curves with NUCOMP
Talk: Efficient Divisor Arithmetic on Hyperelliptic Curves with NUCOMP
14.12.08 - 17.12.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
11.12.08 - 12.12.08
Chipot, Michel
10.12.08 - 10.12.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
09.12.08 - 10.12.08
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Matteo Focardi, Università di Firenze (Florenz)
08.12.08 - 12.12.08
De Lellis, Camillo
08.12.08 - 10.12.08
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Ernst P. Stephan, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Talk: Transient Boundary Element Method and Numerical Evaluation of Retarded Potentials
Talk: Transient Boundary Element Method and Numerical Evaluation of Retarded Potentials
04.12.08 - 07.12.08
Sauter, Stefan
Gilles Carron, Université de Nantes
Talk: Estimates on the Green and heat kernel for symmetric space and applications
Talk: Estimates on the Green and heat kernel for symmetric space and applications
02.12.08 - 05.12.08
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Pierre Loidreau, University of Rennes
Talk: Construction of codes with prescribed rank or distance by using skew polynomials
Talk: Construction of codes with prescribed rank or distance by using skew polynomials
01.12.08 - 03.12.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Marco Zambon, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid, Spanien)
Talk: A construction for coisotropic subalgebras of Lie bialgebras
Talk: A construction for coisotropic subalgebras of Lie bialgebras
01.12.08 - 14.12.08
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Michael Griebel, Institut für Numerische Simulation, Universität Bonn
Talk: A Sparse Grid Space-Time Discretization Scheme for Parabolic Problems
Talk: A Sparse Grid Space-Time Discretization Scheme for Parabolic Problems
27.11.08 - 28.11.08
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Jean-Yves Audibert, CERTIS
26.11.08 - 27.11.08
Barbour, Andrew
Dr. Gabriele Link, Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Karlsruhe (Karlsruhe)
Talk: Ergodic Geometry in the product of Hadamard spaces
Talk: Ergodic Geometry in the product of Hadamard spaces
26.11.08 - 27.11.08
Schroeder, Viktor
Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Rosario Mingione, Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Parma
Talk: Towards a non-linear Calderòn-Zygmund theory
Talk: Towards a non-linear Calderòn-Zygmund theory
25.11.08 - 28.11.08
De Lellis, Camillo
Mathias Rafler, Universität Potsdam
24.11.08 - 12.12.08
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Michele Elia, Politecnico di Torino (Turin)
23.11.08 - 25.11.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Marcus Greferath, Aalto University (Helsinki, Finnland)
Talk: Monomial Extension of Isometries between Z_m-Linear Codes
Talk: Monomial Extension of Isometries between Z_m-Linear Codes
23.11.08 - 27.11.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Britta Nestler, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences
Talk: Microstructure Simulation and Process Optimization
Talk: Microstructure Simulation and Process Optimization
20.11.08 - 20.11.08
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Giambattista Giacomin, UFR de Mathématiques et LPMA, Université Paris Diderot (Paris)
Talk: Disorder and crititcal phenomena: the pinning model case
Talk: Disorder and crititcal phenomena: the pinning model case
16.11.08 - 21.11.08
Bolthausen, Erwin
15.11.08 - 11.12.08
Schroeder, Viktor
Dr. Patrick Solé, CNRS Laboratory I3S, Sophia Antipolis
Talk: Galois rings and pseudo-random sequences
Talk: Galois rings and pseudo-random sequences
13.11.08 - 20.11.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Pierre Emmanuel Jabin, Université de Nice
Talk: Optimal regularity for entropy solutions to scalar conservation laws
Talk: Optimal regularity for entropy solutions to scalar conservation laws
12.11.08 - 14.11.08
De Lellis, Camillo
PD Dr. Tatiana Samrowski, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: Hierarchical methods for the rapid solution of the Stokes system
Talk: Hierarchical methods for the rapid solution of the Stokes system
12.11.08 - 13.11.08
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Michael Plum, Universität Karlsruhe
Talk: A computer-assisted existence and enclosure method for semilinear elliptic boundary value problems
Talk: A computer-assisted existence and enclosure method for semilinear elliptic boundary value problems
06.11.08 - 07.11.08
Chipot, Michel
05.11.08 - 05.11.08
Schroeder, Viktor
Prof. Dr. Andrei Teleman, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille)
03.11.08 - 08.11.08
Okonek, Christian
Noah Kiesermann, Colby College
Talk: Integration over leaves and the deformation of coisotropic submanifolds
Talk: Integration over leaves and the deformation of coisotropic submanifolds
30.10.08 - 03.11.08
Cattaneo, Alberto
Dr. Satyendra Tomar, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics
Talk: Cost effective guaranteed a posteriori error estimates using optimal order multilevel method
Talk: Cost effective guaranteed a posteriori error estimates using optimal order multilevel method
29.10.08 - 31.10.08
Sauter, Stefan
Peter Birkner, Eindhoven University of Technology
Talk: Edwards Curves and the ECM Factorisation Method
Talk: Edwards Curves and the ECM Factorisation Method
27.10.08 - 30.10.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Luca Stefanini, Penn State University
27.10.08 - 31.10.08
Cattaneo, Alberto
Paul Bourgade, Université Paris VI
26.10.08 - 01.11.08
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Dr. Hung Bui, University of Bristol (Bristol)
26.10.08 - 01.11.08
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
Rostyslav Hryniv, Universität Bonn/Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics
Talk: Inverse scattering problems for Schroedinger operators with singular Miura potentials
Talk: Inverse scattering problems for Schroedinger operators with singular Miura potentials
23.10.08 - 23.10.08
Kappeler, Thomas
22.10.08 - 22.10.08
Schroeder, Viktor
20.10.08 - 22.10.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
15.10.08 - 15.10.08
Schroeder, Viktor
Prof. Dr. Holger Brenner,
Talk: Geometric deformations of vector bundles and the localization problem in tight closure theory
Talk: Geometric deformations of vector bundles and the localization problem in tight closure theory
13.10.08 - 14.10.08
Brodmann, Markus
07.10.08 - 08.10.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
Dr. Emina Soljanin, Bell Laboratories Mathematical Sciences Research Center
07.10.08 - 07.10.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
06.10.08 - 08.10.08
Okonek, Christian
Anna Posfai,
06.10.08 - 10.10.08
Barbour, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Simone Warzel, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU München (Garching)
Talk: Localization Bounds for Multiparticle Systems
Talk: Localization Bounds for Multiparticle Systems
06.10.08 - 07.10.08
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Andrei Teleman, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille)
29.09.08 - 04.10.08
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang König, Weierstrass-Institut Berlin (Berlin)
25.09.08 - 25.09.08
Bolthausen, Erwin
Gregorio Falqui, Università di Milano
Talk: Gaudin systems and their limits: classical and quantum cases
Talk: Gaudin systems and their limits: classical and quantum cases
24.09.08 - 26.09.08
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Patrizia Pucci, Dipartimento di Matematica ed Informatica, University of Perugia
Talk: On a $p$--Laplace equation with multiple critical nonlinearities
Talk: On a $p$--Laplace equation with multiple critical nonlinearities
15.09.08 - 21.09.08
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Martin Schanz, Institut für Baumechanik, TU Graz (Graz)
Talk: Time Domain Boundary Element Formulation for Poroelastodynamics
Talk: Time Domain Boundary Element Formulation for Poroelastodynamics
14.09.08 - 19.09.08
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Malwina Luczak, London School of Economics
Talk: Averaging over fast variables in the fluid limit for Markov chains
Talk: Averaging over fast variables in the fluid limit for Markov chains
13.09.08 - 27.09.08
Barbour, Andrew
Daniel Costello, University of Notre DameUni
10.09.08 - 11.09.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
Martin Borecki, Technische Universität Berlin
01.09.08 - 19.12.08
Bolthausen, Erwin
Daniel Skodlerack,
01.09.08 - 30.11.08
Schroeder, Viktor
Lisong Skodlerack,
01.09.08 - 30.11.08
Schroeder, Viktor
Dr. Virtudes Tomás Estevan, University of Alicante
Talk: MDP convolutional codes and decoding over an erasure channel
Talk: LDPC Decoding over the Binary Erasure Channel (with Felice Manganiello)
Talk: What is... a convolutional code?
Talk: Complete-MDP Convolutional Codes over the Erasure Channel
Talk: MDP convolutional codes and decoding over an erasure channel
Talk: LDPC Decoding over the Binary Erasure Channel (with Felice Manganiello)
Talk: What is... a convolutional code?
Talk: Complete-MDP Convolutional Codes over the Erasure Channel
01.09.08 - 31.08.10
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Ralf Hiptmair, ETH
25.08.08 - 29.08.08
Sauter, Stefan
Dr. Boris N. Khoromskij, Max-Planck-Istitut für Mathematik (Leipzig)
25.08.08 - 29.08.08
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Daniel Kressner, ETH
25.08.08 - 29.08.08
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Ilaria Perugia, Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Wien
25.08.08 - 29.08.08
Sauter, Stefan
Reinhold Schneider, Technische Universität Berlin
25.08.08 - 29.08.08
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schwab, ETH (Zürich)
25.08.08 - 29.08.08
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Philippe G. Ciarlet, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: Intrinsic nonlinear three-dimensional elasticity
Talk: Intrinsic nonlinear three-dimensional elasticity
24.08.08 - 01.09.08
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Andrei Teleman, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille)
19.08.08 - 20.08.08
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University (New York)
16.08.08 - 21.08.08
Kresch, Andrew
Matey Mateev, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berlin, Deutschland)
13.08.08 - 14.08.08
Brodmann, Markus
Prof. Dr. Bernd Kirchheim, Universitaet Leipzig (Leipzig)
04.08.08 - 22.08.08
De Lellis, Camillo
Dr. Eva Kopecka,
04.08.08 - 22.08.08
De Lellis, Camillo
Dr. Doan Cuong, Universität Duisburg-Essen
03.08.08 - 13.08.08
Brodmann, Markus
Prof. Dr. Dario Bambusi, Università degli Studi di Milano (Milano)
30.07.08 - 31.07.08
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Thierry Paul, Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris)
30.07.08 - 31.07.08
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pöschel, Universtität Stuttgart
28.07.08 - 01.08.08
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Euisung Park, Korea University at Seoul (Seoul)
27.07.08 - 31.07.08
Brodmann, Markus
Dr. Viorica Motreanu, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
22.07.08 - 24.07.08
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Roxana Smarandache, University of Notre Dame (Indiana)
Talk: Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes: Influence of Proto- and Tanner-Graph Structure on Code Parameters
Talk: Information Theory and Channel Coding
Talk: Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes: Influence of Proto- and Tanner-Graph Structure on Code Parameters
Talk: Information Theory and Channel Coding
15.07.08 - 21.03.09
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Youngook Choi, Yeungnam University, Dept. of Mathematics Education
12.07.08 - 17.07.08
Brodmann, Markus
Prof. Dr. Sergey I. Repin, V.A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St. Petersburg (St. Peterburg)
08.07.08 - 14.07.08
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Peter Topalov, Northeastern University (Boston)
07.07.08 - 26.07.08
Kappeler, Thomas
Dr. Alessandro Ferriero,
01.07.08 - 31.12.08
De Lellis, Camillo
Venera Khoromskaia, MIS Leipzig
21.06.08 - 29.06.08
Sauter, Stefan
Cristobal Bertoglio, MPI Leipzig
16.06.08 - 20.06.08
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Andrei Teleman, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille)
16.06.08 - 21.06.08
Okonek, Christian
Prof. Dr. Nero Budur, University of Notre Dame
09.06.08 - 13.06.08
Kresch, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pöschel, Universtität Stuttgart
09.06.08 - 13.06.08
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Peter Schenzel, Martin Luther-Universität (Halle)
08.06.08 - 14.06.08
Brodmann, Markus
Sara Diaz, University of Alicante
02.06.08 - 29.06.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
Venera Khoromskaia, MIS Leipzig
30.05.08 - 02.06.08
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Zakaria Belhachmi, Université de Metz
Talk: Adaptivity and fictitious domain formulation of the Signorini problem for the linearized elasticity and appliations
Talk: Adaptivity and fictitious domain formulation of the Signorini problem for the linearized elasticity and appliations
29.05.08 - 30.05.08
Chipot, Michel
Prof. Dr. Stanislav Antontsev, University of Lisbon (Lisbon)
Talk: Anisotropic Parabolic Equations: Existence, Uniqueness and Localization Properties
Talk: Anisotropic Parabolic Equations: Existence, Uniqueness and Localization Properties
26.05.08 - 31.05.08
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Fraser Daly, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
24.05.08 - 29.05.08
Barbour, Andrew
24.05.08 - 28.05.08
Kresch, Andrew
A Quadri, Universität Mailand
Talk: Path-integral over non-linearly realized groups: A functional approach
Talk: Path-integral over non-linearly realized groups: A functional approach
22.05.08 - 23.05.08
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Peter Diggle, Lancaster University
21.05.08 - 23.05.08
Barbour, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Furrer, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: Spatial statistics for large datasets: Backfitting, tapering and spam
Talk: Spatial statistics for large datasets: Backfitting, tapering and spam
21.05.08 - 23.05.08
Barbour, Andrew
Dr. Boris N. Khoromskij, Max-Planck-Istitut für Mathematik (Leipzig)
Talk: Methods of Structured Tensor Approximation in Multi-dimensional Applications
Talk: Methods of Structured Tensor Approximation in Multi-dimensional Applications
21.05.08 - 11.07.08
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kneib, Statistik und Ökonometrie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Talk: Generalised Structured Additive Regression: Regularisation, Estimation and Model Choice
Talk: Generalised Structured Additive Regression: Regularisation, Estimation and Model Choice
21.05.08 - 23.05.08
Barbour, Andrew
Enrico Valdinoci, University of Western Australia (Perth)
Talk: One dimensional symmetry for solutions of elliptic PDEs
Talk: One dimensional symmetry for solutions of elliptic PDEs
20.05.08 - 23.05.08
De Lellis, Camillo
Dr. Daan Huybrechs, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Talk: Efficient computations in high-frequency scattering simulations
Talk: Efficient computations in high-frequency scattering simulations
14.05.08 - 17.05.08
Sauter, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Christine Kelley, University of Nebraska (Lincoln USA)
Talk: A voltage graph framework for LDPC codes
Talk: A voltage graph framework for LDPC codes
14.05.08 - 22.05.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Alexander Lytchak, Mathematisches Institut, Universität Köln (Köln)
14.05.08 - 21.05.08
Schroeder, Viktor
Matey Mateev, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berlin, Deutschland)
13.05.08 - 16.05.08
Brodmann, Markus
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pöschel, Universtität Stuttgart
12.05.08 - 17.05.08
Kappeler, Thomas
Anna Posfai,
12.05.08 - 16.05.08
Barbour, Andrew
Prof. Dr. Per Salberger, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg
12.05.08 - 21.05.08
Kresch, Andrew
10.05.08 - 14.05.08
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Laszlo Székelyhidi, Universität Leipzig (Leipzig)
08.05.08 - 15.05.08
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Karsten Urban, Universität Ulm
Talk: Numerical Optimization of the Voith-Schneider-Propeller
Talk: Numerical Optimization of the Voith-Schneider-Propeller
08.05.08 - 09.05.08
Sauter, Stefan
Sergiy Vasylkevych, EPFL
Talk: Incompressible Euler's equation with free boundary: a geometric approach
Talk: Incompressible Euler's equation with free boundary: a geometric approach
08.05.08 - 08.05.08
Kappeler, Thomas
Dr. Nina Lebedeva, Universität Münster
06.05.08 - 08.05.08
Schroeder, Viktor
Prof. Dr. Vincent Bansaye, Ecole Polytechnique, CMAP (Paris)
05.05.08 - 08.05.08
Barbour, Andrew
05.05.08 - 09.05.08
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Francesco Caravenna, Department of Mathematics and Applications, University of Milano-Bicocca (Milano)
Talk: Pinning and wetting transition for (1+1)-dimensional fields with Laplacian interaction
Talk: Pinning and wetting transition for (1+1)-dimensional fields with Laplacian interaction
28.04.08 - 02.05.08
Bolthausen, Erwin
Stefan Erichsen,
28.04.08 - 02.05.08
Sauter, Stefan
Sebastian Müller, Institut für Mathematische Strukturtheorie (Graz)
28.04.08 - 30.04.08
Barbour, Andrew
Alexander Shumakovich, Washington University (Washington, USA)
Talk: Naive Categorification of the Skein $sl_N$ Polynomials
Talk: Naive Categorification of the Skein $sl_N$ Polynomials
28.04.08 - 01.05.08
Beliakova, Anna
Prof. Dr. Frank den Hollander, Mathematisch Instituut, Universiteit Leiden (Leiden, The Netherlands)
24.04.08 - 27.04.08
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Daniel Augot, INRIA Rocquencourt
Talk: On generalized key equations for the Guruswami-Sudan decoding algorithm
Talk: On generalized key equations for the Guruswami-Sudan decoding algorithm
15.04.08 - 17.04.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Fabio Toninelli, Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (F-Villeurbanne )
Talk: Fractional moment bounds and disorder relevance for pinning models
Talk: Fractional moment bounds and disorder relevance for pinning models
15.04.08 - 18.04.08
Bolthausen, Erwin
Kevin Costello, Northwestern University
Talk: An algorithm which conjecturally computes Gromov-Witten invariants from the Fukaya category
Talk: Minicourse: "Renormalization and the effective BV formalism"
Talk: An algorithm which conjecturally computes Gromov-Witten invariants from the Fukaya category
Talk: Minicourse: "Renormalization and the effective BV formalism"
13.04.08 - 26.04.08
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Konstantinas Pileckas, Vilnius University
Talk: On flux problem in the theory of steady Navier-Stokes equations with nonhomogeneous boundary conditions
Talk: On flux problem in the theory of steady Navier-Stokes equations with nonhomogeneous boundary conditions
13.04.08 - 19.04.08
Chipot, Michel
Dr. Jan Metzger, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Talk: Marginally trapped surfaces and apparent horizons
Talk: Marginally trapped surfaces and apparent horizons
10.04.08 - 10.04.08
Institut für Mathematik,
Prof. Dr. Patrick Ciarlet, Jr., ENSTA ParisTech
Talk: Solving Maxwell's equations with the Weighted Regularization Method and a Lagrange multiplier. Application to the computation of electromagnetic eigenmodes.
Talk: Solving Maxwell's equations with the Weighted Regularization Method and a Lagrange multiplier. Application to the computation of electromagnetic eigenmodes.
09.04.08 - 10.04.08
Sauter, Stefan
07.04.08 - 11.04.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pöschel, Universtität Stuttgart
07.04.08 - 12.04.08
Kappeler, Thomas
Sebastian Andres, Technische Universität, Berlin
Talk: Particle Approximation of the Wasserstein Diffusion
Talk: Particle Approximation of the Wasserstein Diffusion
01.04.08 - 31.05.08
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Drutu, University of Oxford
31.03.08 - 04.04.08
Schroeder, Viktor
20.03.08 - 20.03.08
Sauter, Stefan
19.03.08 - 20.03.08
Bolthausen, Erwin
Henk van Tilborg, Technische Universität Eidhoven
Talk: Communication graphs, key graphs, and Harary graphs
Talk: Communication graphs, key graphs, and Harary graphs
18.03.08 - 20.03.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
Kirill Mackenzie, University of Sheffield
16.03.08 - 19.03.08
Cattaneo, Alberto
Prof. Dr. Alain Rouault, LMV UMR, Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin (Versailles)
13.03.08 - 14.03.08
Nikeghbali, Ashkan
12.03.08 - 14.03.08
Kappeler, Thomas
Prof. Dr. Gianluca Crippa, Departement Mathematik und Informatik, Universität Basel (Basel )
09.03.08 - 14.03.08
De Lellis, Camillo
Prof. Dr. Tadahisa Funaki, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan)
Talk: Hydrodynamic limit for the $\nabla\varphi$ model via two-scale approach
Talk: Hydrodynamic limit for the $\nabla\varphi$ model via two-scale approach
08.03.08 - 23.03.08
Bolthausen, Erwin
Dr. Louis-Pierre Arguin, Weierstrass Institute, Berlin
Talk: The Structure of Quasi-Stationary Competing Particle Systems
Talk: The Structure of Quasi-Stationary Competing Particle Systems
04.03.08 - 07.03.08
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Mark Flanagan, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Talk: Linear-Programming Decoding of Nonbinary Linear Codes
Talk: Linear-Programming Decoding of Nonbinary Linear Codes
04.03.08 - 06.03.08
Rosenthal, Joachim
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pöschel, Universtität Stuttgart
03.03.08 - 20.03.08
Kappeler, Thomas
Dr. Marco Zambon, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid, Spanien)
Talk: A revisitation of the Marsden-Ratiu reduction of Poisson manifolds
Talk: A revisitation of the Marsden-Ratiu reduction of Poisson manifolds
03.03.08 - 14.03.08
Cattaneo, Alberto
02.03.08 - 08.03.08
Okonek, Christian
Matey Mateev, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berlin, Deutschland)
27.02.08 - 27.02.08
Brodmann, Markus
Prof. Dr. Dario Bambusi, Università degli Studi di Milano (Milano)
21.02.08 - 22.02.08
Kappeler, Thomas
21.02.08 - 22.02.08
Kappeler, Thomas
15.02.08 - 02.06.08
Bolthausen, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Andrei Teleman, Aix-Marseille Université (Marseille)
13.02.08 - 24.02.08
Okonek, Christian
Dr. Nicolas Pétrélis, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
04.02.08 - 29.02.08
Bolthausen, Erwin
Fabio Nironi, Sissa
01.02.08 - 29.02.08
Kresch, Andrew
Davide Indelicato, Universität Zürich (Weiningen)
22.01.08 - 31.05.08
Cattaneo, Alberto
Dr. Paul-Olivier Dehaye, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
21.01.08 - 23.01.08
Nikeghbali, Ashkan