Colloquium on Analysis on the occasion of Bruno Scarpellini's 70th birthday


Organized by: H. Amann

Friday, 07.02.03
Time Speaker TitlePlace
13:30-14:15Joachim Escher
(Universität Hannover)
Energy methods in the stability analysis of equilibria of parabolic evolution equationsY36M94
14:30-15:15Guido Schneider
(Universität Stuttgart)
Diffusive dynamics in pattern forming systemsY36M94
15:30Coffee Break
16:00-16:45Charles A. Stuart
(Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne)
Global bifurcation results using the degree for Fredholm mapsY36M94
17:00-17:45Wolf von Wahl
(University Bayreuth)
Remarks on Poincaré's Problem of the CenterY36M94