B. L. van der Waerden Centenary Colloquium


Organized by: H. Jarchow

Friday, 31.01.03
Time Speaker TitlePlace
09:40Robin Hartshorne
On the impossibility of the classical construction problemsY35F32
10:30Coffee break
11:00Christoph Soulé
Successive minima on arithmetic surfacesY35F32
14:00John Coates
Number theory and noncommutative algebraY35F32
15:00David Eisenbud
Chow Forms Old and New: Leibniz, Cayley, van der Waerden and Chow, Grothendieck and beyondY35F32
15:50Coffee break
16:30Pierre Cartier
B.L. van der Waerden and the development of quantum mechanicsY35F32