Fifth European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: A special tribute to the work of Haim Brezis
Organized by: C. Bandle, H. Berestycki, B. Brighi, A. Brillard, M. Chipot, J.-M. Coron, C. Sbordone, I. Shafrir, V. Valente, G. Vergara Caffarelli
The panel of speakers includes, in particular, numerous former students of H. Brezis. Gaeta, where the conference will take place, is in the gulf of Serapo, between Rome and Naples. The hotel is located directly at the sea, just a ten minute walk from the old city of Gaeta. Besides Elliptic and Parabolic issues, the topics of the conference include Geometry, Free Boundary Problems, Fluid Mechanics, Evolution Problems in general, Calculus of Variations, Homogenization, Control, Modeling and Numerical Analysis.
Last information
On Saturday - thanks to the city of Gaeta - a shuttle bus will run every 45 minutes from 1 pm to 10 pm between the train station of Formia and Hotel Serapo.