Forschungsseminar: Kirby Calculus


Organized by: A. Beliakova

Abstract: In this seminar we are going to give a basic introduction to the notion of surgery on 3-manifolds and we will show how any closed, oriented, connected 3-manifold can be obtained from S^3 by doing surgery on a link. Then we will review some basic results of 4-manifold theory and learn about the Kirby moves. The goal is to finally give a sketch of the proof of Kirby's Theorem which states that two links are related by Kirby moves if and only if the manifolds obtained by surgery are homeomorphic.

  • W. B. Raymond Lickorish; An Introduction to Knot Theory; Springer 1997, 201 Seiten
  • Nikolai Saveliev; Lectures on the Topology of 3-Manifolds:An Introduction to the Casson Invariant; Walter de Gruyter 1999, 199 Seiten
  • R. Fenn and C. Rourke. On Kirby's calculus of links. Topology, 18(1):1-15, 1979.

Thursday, 03.05.12
Time Speaker TitlePlace
10:00-12:00Marko Zivkovic
(Universität Zürich)
Surgery and 3-manifoldsY27H28
Thursday, 24.05.12
Time Speaker TitlePlace
10:00-12:00Eva Gabriela Contreras
(Universität Zürich)
A review of 4-manifold theoryY27H26
Thursday, 31.05.12
Time Speaker TitlePlace
10:00-12:00Tamara Tajara Widmer
(Universität Zürich)
Kirby TheoremY27H28