Workshop on Nonlocal Problems (in the framework of the EU Programme FIRST)


Organized by: M. Chipot

From December 12–14, 2012 an intensive research workshop on nonlocal problems and related topics will take place at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Zurich.

Gerda Schacher

Wednesday, 12.12.12
Time Speaker TitlePlace
09:00-09:30Jesus Ildefonso Diaz
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
On some nonlinear and nonlocal elliptic and parabolic problems arising in Stellerator nuclear fusion devicesY27H28
09:35-10:05Günther Grün
(University of Erlangen)
On uniqueness results for an elliptic-parabolic system of partial differential equations arising in dynamic electrowettingY27H28
10:10-10:40Giovany Figueiredo
(Universidade Federal do Pará)
Some difficulties for solve the Kirchhoff problem via variational methodsY27H28
10:40-11:10Coffee break
11:10-11:40Antonin Chambolle
(CMAP / Ecole Polytechnique / CNRS)
Variational approach to non-local curvature flowsY27H28
11:45-12:15Itai Shafrir
(Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
On a minimization problem with a mass constraint in dimension twoY27H28
12:20-12:50Francisco Julio Corrêa
(Universidade Federal de Campina Grande)
On a class of bi-nonlocal elliptic problems involving the p(x)-LaplacianY27H28
14:30-15:00Senoussi Guesmia
(University of Qassim)
Existence of solutions to some degenerate integro-differential problemsY27H28
15:05-15:35María López Fernández
(Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza")
Generalized Convolution Quadrature with Variable Time SteppingY27H28
15:40-16:10Yonathan Aflalo
Free boundary reduced distortion mappingY27H28
16:15-16:45Karen Yeressian Negarchi
(Universität Zürich)
Spatial decay estimates for parabolic integro-differential equationsY27H28
Thursday, 13.12.12
Time Speaker TitlePlace
09:00-09:30Herbert Amann
(Universität Zürich)
Some nonlocal problems for parabolic equations in non-smooth domainsY27H28
09:35-10:05Julian Fischer
(Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences)
Upper Bounds on Waiting Times for the Thin-Film EquationY27H28
10:10-10:40Robert Kersner
(University of Pecs, PMMIK)
On nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems: patterns and wavefrontsY27H28
10:40-11:10Coffee break
11:10-11:40José Francisco Rodrigues
(Univ. Lisbon/CMAF)
On Quasilinear Parabolic Systems of Higher Order with Nonlocal Terms in Nondivergence FormY27H28
11:45-12:15Laurent Cohen
(University Paris-Dauphine)
Non local Active ContoursY27H28
12:20-12:50Marco Di Francesco
(University of Bath)
First order PDEs with nonlocal interaction and nonlinear diffusionY27H28
14:30-15:00Jean Van Schaftingen
(Université catholique de Louvain)
Existence of groundstates for a class of nonlinear Choquard equationsY27H28
15:05-15:35Johannes Zimmer
(University of Bath)
A nonlocal model for phase transitions in solids and its implicationsY27H28
15:40-16:10Jesus Hernandez
(Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
Positive solutions for a non-local elliptic reaction-diffusion system arising in desertificationY27H28
16:15ESR SessionY27H28
17:30Board MeetingY27H28
Friday, 14.12.12
Time Speaker TitlePlace
09:00-09:30Danielle Hilhorst
(Université Paris-Sud)
On the singular limit of a hyperbolic perturbation of an Allen-Cahn equationY27H28
09:35-10:05José M. Mazon
(University of Valencia)
On the best Lipschitz extension problem for a discrete distance and the discrete infinity-LaplacianY27H28
10:10-10:40Ralf Hiptmair
Cut-off Estimates For Non-Local Trace NormsY27H28
10:40-11:10Coffee break
11:10-11:40Thanh Nam Nguyen
(Université Paris - Sud)
On the omega-limit set for a nonlocal evolution problemY27H28
11:45-12:15Alberto Tesei
(Università Sapienza di Roma)
Front propagation for nonlinear diffusion equations on the hyperbolic spaceY27H28
12:20-12:50Yoshio Yamada
(Waseda University)
On logistic equations with diffusion and nonlocal effectsY27H28