Simran Tinani receives CYD Fellowship


We are proud to announce that Sinan Tinani was the first UZH PHD to receive a CYD-Fellowship

The CYD (Cyber Defence Campus) is a cooperation of the VBS, the industry, the academies and hacker communities in all cyberrelevant topics. It also provides a fellowship for supporting talented PhD Students and Simran Tinani is the first UZH PhD Student to receive it.

She is in the second year of her PhD in the group for applied Algebra of Professor Joachim Rosenthal at the Math Institute. Her research focuses on the mathematical basics of public-key cryptography, that is used in various digital appliances for encryption.

For more information on the Cyber Defense Campus, please visit the official website: CYD Website

The Institute of Mathematics wants to extent its congratulations to Simran Tinani for receiving the CYD Fellowship!

Institut für Mathematik
Universität Zürich
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