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Lectures & Seminars

Student seminars
Seminar in Codierungstheorie
Anna-Lena Horlemann


J. Rosenthal, A.-L. Horlemann
Decoding Subspace Codes, a Problem of Schubert Calculus over Finite Fields

In Mathematical System Theory -- Festschrift in Honor of Uwe Helmke on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, pages 353-366, Create Space.    Whole Volume

A.-L. Horlemann, N. Silberstein, J. Rosenthal
List Decoding of Lifted Gabidulin Codes via the Plücker Embedding
In Preproceedings of the International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC) 2013, pages 539–549, Bergen, Norway, April 2013.   

N. Silberstein, A.-L. Horlemann
New Lower Bounds for Constant Dimension Codes
In Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2013.   

F. Manganiello, A.-L. Horlemann
Spread Decoding in Extension Fields
To appear in Finite Fields and Applications.    arXiv

A.-L. Horlemann
Isometry and Automorphisms of Constant Dimension Codes
In Advances in Mathematics of Communications (AMC), volume 7 number 2, pages 147-160, AIMS.    journal version

J. Rosenthal, A.-L. Horlemann
A Complete Characterization of Irreducible Cyclic Orbit Codes and their Plücker Embedding
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 66(1--3):275--289, 2013.    arXiv

A.-L. Horlemann
Plücker Embedding of Cyclic Orbit Codes
In Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems -MTNS, Melbourne, Australia, 2012.    Article

A.-L. Horlemann, F. Manganiello, M. Braun, J. Rosenthal
Cyclic Orbit Codes
IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory, 59(11):7386--7404, November 2013.    arXiv

F. Manganiello, A.-L. Horlemann, J. Rosenthal
On conjugacy classes of subgroups of the general linear group and cyclic orbit codes
In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2011.    arXiv

A.-L. Horlemann, J. Rosenthal
A Complete Characterization of Irreducible Cyclic Orbit Codes
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC) 2011, pages 219-223, Paris, France, April 2011 PDF   arXiv version

A.-L. Horlemann, J. Rosenthal
New Improvements on the Echelon-Ferrers Construction
In Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems – MTNS, Budapest, Hungary, 2010, pp. 405–408. PDF  

A.-L. Horlemann, F. Manganiello, J. Rosenthal
Orbit Codes - A New Concept in the Area of Network Coding
In Proceedings of the IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2010, Dublin, Ireland. PDF   Article