PD Dr. Nima Moshayedi

Institut für Mathematik
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zürich

Office: Y27K04

Personal Website

My research is in mathematical physics where I am interested in geometric and algebraic methods of quantum field theory. In particular, my focus lies on topological quantum field theories, local gauge theories, algebraic topology, symplectic geometry and higher structures in quantum field theory.

If you are interested in doing a master thesis or semester thesis with me, you can contact me by email. Here is a list of potential topics for a master thesis and here is a list of potential topics for a semester thesis

Published Books


Quantum Field Theory and Functional Integrals: An Introduction to Feynman Path Integrals and the Foundations of Axiomatic Field Theory

Available at Springer Verlag: SpringerBriefs in Physics.

Kontsevich's Deformation Quantization and Quantum Field Theory

Available at Springer Verlag: Lecture Notes in Mathematics

Despite multiple checks, some typos made it to the printed version. Here you can find a list of errata.

Introduction to Probability Theory: A First Course on the Measure-Theoretic Approach

Available at World Scientific: Series on Probability Theory and Its Applications

Lectures & Seminars

Introduction to Riemannian Geometry

Exercises Introduction to Riemannian Geometry