Spring 23


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Week 1: Lattices-Structure and Properties (Report)

Week 1: Lattices-Structure and Properties (Slides)

Week 2: Computational Complexity (Report)

Week 2: Computational Complexity (Slides)

Week 3: Fundamental Concepts in Cryptography (Report)

Week 4: Introduction to LLL (Report)

Week 5: Applications of the LLL algorithm (Report)

Week 5: Applications of the LLL algorithm (Slides)

Week 7: Cryptosystems based on hard lattice problems (NTRU and GGH) (Report)

Week 7: Cryptosystems based on hard lattice problems (NTRU and GGH) (Slides)

Course Information and List of Topics

Week 6: Results on SVP and CVP (Report)

Week 8: Short Integer Solution Problem (I) (Report)

Week 8: Short Integer Solution Problem (I) (Slides)

Week 10: Learning with Errors (Report)

Week 9: Applications of Shortest Integer Solution (SIS)

Week 10: The NIST Finalists (Slides)

Week 10: The NIST Finalists (Report)

Overview of Cryptography

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