Some content is protected. Please go to: MY > Lecture > MAT764 / Billiards and Surface Dynamics I
We will post here in the next weeks a Problem Sheet which contains a list of problems assigned, which will be discussed in the Exercise session; the file will be updated as the course goes on, so come back to download it at regular intervals for new problems.
Handwritten lecture notes
Handwritten notes for the lectures are available as additional informal reference (only to registered students). To download the pdfs, you need to log in to your My first (e.g. using the button here above), then you should be able to see the links to the pdf files here below.
Extra Resources online:
- Video presentation of the course;
- Slides of a colloquium talk on billiards I gave in the past (it contains an introduction which overlaps with the introduction to the course as well as an overview of some of my research in this area);
- For a picture of a non uniformely distributed billiard trajectory, see Figure 2 at page 3 of the following lecture notes;
Some fun related links:
Billiards and Surface Dynamics I, which will run for the first 7 weeks only (4h per week + 2h exercise class) and cover only the first half of the syllabus.
For further information please contact: Prof. Dr. Corinna Ulcigrai
Module: 15.06.2022 10:00-12:00, Room: Y03G85 Seats: 141, Type: written exam
Part 1/1 (BSc)
Repetition: 14.09.2022 9:00-12:00, Room: Y27H26 Seats: 14, Type: oral exam
Vorbereitung: H26, Prüfung : H25