General description:
The Geometry of Numbers studies distribution of lattice points in the n dimensional space, for instance, existence of lattice points in various domains and existence of integral solutions of polynomial inequalities.
This subject is also closely related to the Theory of Diophantine Approximation which seeks good rational approximations for real vectors.
Online lectures:
Here is the link to the online lectures link.
The first lecture will take place on Tuesday, March 17.
Lecture Material and Exercises: link
Assistant: Cargi Sert , Y27J40
- Cassels, An introduction to Diophantine Approximation.
- Cassels, An introduction to the Geometry of Numbers.
- Schmidt, Diophantine approximation.
- Siegel, Lectures on the Geometry of Numbers.
Module: 23.06.2020 12:00-12:00, Room: No room needed Seats: ?, Type: written exam
Task to hand in, deadline: 23.06.20
Repetition: 24.08.2020 10:00-12:00, Room: Y27H25 Seats: 50, Type: oral exam
Post exam review